Subarna Ghosal

12 Surefire Salt De-addiction Strategies

Subarna Ghosal

It is to be known that The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends no more than 2,300 mg ...

usage of supplements

Get to know the Facts and Risks behind consuming Supplements

Subarna Ghosal

People take supplements but excessive intake could be detrimental to health. Generally, individuals with a risk-prone deficiency are advised to ...

benefits of hiit

7 Benefits of HIIT: Why You Should Include It In Your Routine

Subarna Ghosal

Whenever you are exercising, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) should come to your mind. HIIT is considered the best workout which ...

10000 steps a day

Do You Know the Truth Behind ‘10000 Steps a Day’?

Subarna Ghosal

Many of us track our steps with smart devices or apps and are, of course, thrilled when we reach that ...


Immunonutrition: The Ultimate Role of Nutrients

Subarna Ghosal

The immune system is the body’s line of defense against diseases and infection. The WHO in the current pandemic situation ...

can cloning save lives

Can Cloning Save Lives?

Subarna Ghosal

Can cloning save lives?

food allergy

Suffering From Food allergy? Know What It Is.

Subarna Ghosal

Food allergy is a kind of immune response that occurs after eating a certain food. Even a tiny amount of ...

health gadgets

11 Health Gadgets To Add In Our Lives

Subarna Ghosal

For the past few months, India and other countries are struggling to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, and for India, the ...

Schizophrenia: Causes, Complications, Diagnosis, Treatment

Schizophrenia: Causes, Complications, Diagnosis, Treatment

Subarna Ghosal

A person suffering from schizophrenia experiences distortions in the real-life, thinking process, etc. It is a mental disorder that causes ...

5 Types Of Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

5 Types Of Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

Subarna Ghosal

Please don’t get scared by the term schizophrenia; instead, let’s go deep and understand it well. Yes, it is a ...

10 Ways To Boost Your Immune System To Fight This Pandemic

10 Ways To Boost Your Immune System To Fight This Pandemic

Subarna Ghosal

Coronavirus (COVID-19) was considered a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. It is a leading challenge throughout the globe. ...

Misophonia: Symptoms And Triggers

Misophonia: Symptoms And Triggers

Subarna Ghosal

Misophonia is a kind of disorder in which certain sounds start to trigger psychological or physiological responses that people might ...

5 Side Effects Of Caffeine

5 Side Effects Of Caffeine

Subarna Ghosal

Coffee is one of the most consumed beverages by billions. And its active compound is caffeine. But coffee isn’t the ...

8 Effective Benefits Of Caffeine

8 Effective Benefits Of Caffeine

Subarna Ghosal

Caffeine is an active compound found in our favorite beverages like tea, coffee, our favorite chocolates, and also found in ...

Convenience Food

Convenience Food: What Are They?

Subarna Ghosal

Convenience food is a type of food that we buy prepared and packaged, ready-to-eat with minimal preparation time or none. ...

5 Foods Containing Caffeine You Must Know

5 Foods Containing Caffeine You Must Know

Subarna Ghosal

Nowadays, because of the popularity of coffee and its products, caffeine has become arguably the most popular drug globally. People ...

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