Whenever you are exercising, HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) should come to your mind. HIIT is considered the best workout which can be done in the least amount of time. It is actually worth trying.
HIIT or High-Intensity Interval Training refers to a very specific training which is a form of cardio exercise. It is characterized by intense exercises done in a short period of time, alternated with low-intensity recovery periods which make up the protocol that aims to maximize athletic performance under certain conditions where the muscles are deprived of oxygen.
If you are seeking to build strength and muscle endurance or trying to lose weight, HIIT is a great form of exercise to include in your regular workout routine.
Benefits of HIIT:
Research has shown that HIIT can burn 25-30% more Calories than any other form of exercise.

HIIT has proven to improve Cardiovascular Health, Insulin Sensitivity, Cholesterol Profiles, and Abdominal Fat and Body Weight while Maintaining Muscle Mass.

HIIT can boost your youth hormones. It has been shown in a study that regular exercise plus HIIT sprints on a bike Increased Testosterone level by 17% in 3 months.

It helps in Losing Fat and Improving Metabolism

It is the best exercise routine when you have a time crunch and want to get the best and effective output. You can lose up to 500 calories in a 40 minute workout depending on the type of exercise and the ratio you choose.

Many athletes who perform HIIT on a regular basis have found that they can run longer at higher speeds when they followed this routine regularly for some time.

Improved Brain Functioning as well as Cognitive Function

Schedule and Routine For Beginners:
The 10-minute Workout

Start with a warm-up by doing your preferred form of aerobic exercise for 2 minutes. Then pick up the speed for 20 seconds, working hard enough that you are too tired to even speak. Slow it down to your original pace for 1 minute. Add another 20-second max effort, rest for 2 minutes, and then add a last 20-second final max effort. Cool down for 2 minutes at your original pace with some stretching exercises.
Length of an HIIT Workout

An HIIT workout can range from four minutes to 20-30 minutes or more. The beginner must aim for 10-15 minutes of HIIT and increase the number of intervals for a longer workout as your fitness quotient and stamina improves.
How often should you do HIIT?

The number of HIIT workouts you do each week will depend on what other training you are doing. For beginners, you can aim to complete two or three HIIT workouts each week and gradually, you can increase the frequency.
Best Types of HIIT Workouts:

The effectiveness of the HIIT workout ultimately depends on the exercises that are involved in it. HIIT workouts are mostly based on cardiovascular exercises, it’s important to note that you can alternate these movements to target whatever muscle groups you want to focus on. The best HIIT exercises are those that incorporate both cardio exercises and strengthening exercises. For example:



Abdominal Crunches

Jumping Jacks

High Knees (except for those who have knee and joint issues)

Cable Chops

Squats (half or full)

Chest Press

Plank (holding for minimum 30 seconds)