23 superfoods to stop hair loss and grow new hair


superfoods to stop hair loss and grow new hair

Most types of hair loss are treatable at home. Hair growth is affected due to stress, pollution, poor diet, and other factors, even young people lose hair rapidly. Here’s a list of 23 superfoods that boost your hair growth as well as make you healthier overall.

23 superfoods to stop hair loss and grow new hair

1. Eggs

Everyone knows egg whites are a great source of protein. Egg-white hair masks are one of the most popular hair masks; they instantly make hair look silky and soft. Now imagine how much they can change the hair if we take it orally.

Eating one boiled egg per day will certainly improve your hair as well as your skin. You can exclude the yellow part and the cholesterol and fat intake becomes zero. The reason eggs are consumed for hair growth is because they contain biotin; biotin deficiency is one of the causes of hair fall and slow regrowth. Eating eggs helps the hair fall and the growth cycle go back to normal.

2. Chicken

Chicken, apart from being a block of protein, is also an excellent source of Vitamin B and niacin, which are essential to build strong hair from follicles.

The key is on how we eat chicken for hair growth: eating them with less oil, such as boiled chicken salad, or as stews and soups. Also, the bone broth of chicken is a concentration of collagen that makes hair not break easily, and also prevents premature ageing.

3. Fish

Most doctors prescribe common Vitamin E supplements and fish oil capsules for benign hair loss. Eating fatty fish directly at least once a week, while maintaining hair loss diet in other days will do just about the same.

Its fishes like salmon, mackerel and herring that has nutrients which may help promote hair growth. Several studies has found that omega-3 found in these fishes makes hair grow.

4. Legumes

What if you’re a vegetarian/vegan and cannot eat the above mentioned protein source? Legumes here to take over. All kinds of legumes are rich in protein and makes you feel full just like chicken or fish.

Beans and lentils also have iron, zinc, and other minerals that are needed for new hair to sprout, and needless to say they taste great! Next time, have a generous serving of lentil stew or as chili guilt-free, as they are storing hair growth nutrients in your body.

5. Chia Seeds

Another problem once hair fall becomes chronic is, hair thinning. Tackling hair thinning is so hard as it tends to tangle, break and thus fall easily.

Did you know that chia seeds has the capacity to work deep down into your scalp and produce more pigmented, thick and strong hair follicles? The copper and zinc content in chia seeds helps prevent greying of hair prematurely and reverses hair thinning.

Many use chia seeds as a hair mask, but nothing tops when we take the goodness orally. Chia seeds can be mixed with smoothies, salads, fresh juices, or soaked and eaten with some yogurt. Careful not to swallow chia raw/non-soaked as it rapidly expands and may block the windpipe or throat.

6. Pumpkin Seeds

Cold pressed pumpkin seed oil is something doctors prescribe for holistic treatment of hair fall. Eating them whilst continuing topical hair care may double the possibility of fast hair growth.

Pumpkin seeds has all the essential nutrients that help form hair such as zinc, Vitamin E and A, thiamin, niacin, and other fatty acids. Hair loss due to nutritional deficiency can be reversed with a rich diet including pumpkin seeds.

Best way to eat them is by adding them into smoothies, or toss them in salads, or eat a spoonful of them slightly toasted as you don’t want to lose their nutrients in high heat.

7. Flax Seeds

Another popular seed when it comes to hair care, flax seeds are commonly extracted and then applied as a gel to get soft hair. But flax seeds are more than their slimy texture.

Toasting them slightly and eating them (grinded for ease) is enough as flax seeds are bigger and slightly tougher than the rest of the seeds mentioned. Flax seeds contain the omega-3 fatty acid we find in fish. Flax seeds are a concentration of healthy nutrients as just as a spoonful (7 grams) contains thiamine, copper, selenium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, iron folate and so on. The nutrients sum up to 5 – 10 % of daily value needed for our body, all in just one spoon.

8. Nuts and Dry Fruits

The classic nuts and dry fruits, people who are picky eaters, or those who have nutritional deficit hair loss are advised to eat fresh fruits and veggies, as well as nuts and dry fruits.

Dry nuts like almonds and walnuts provide the protein, whilst dried figs and dates are rich in iron. Eating this combination equally provides for healthy-looking skin, scalp, and hair.

9. Green Vegetables

There came the plain old advice of eating more greens! But this isn’t mere advice, but science-backed evidence. Tons of research has released how greens especially promote hair growth. Greens like spinach, kale, and broccoli have a generous amount of iron.

10. Capsicums

Capsicums, rich in vitamins A, C, and E, along with antioxidants, promote scalp health by enhancing blood circulation and combating oxidative stress. These nutrients help maintain hair follicle strength and stimulate healthy hair growth. While capsicums alone may not directly prevent hair loss, their inclusion in a balanced diet supports overall hair health and may contribute to reducing hair loss over time.

11. Steamed sweet Potatoes

Steamed sweet potatoes are a nutrient-rich food that may indirectly contribute to preventing hair loss. They are packed with vitamins A and C, which promote the production of sebum, an essential scalp oil that keeps hair hydrated and healthy. Additionally, sweet potatoes contain antioxidants that help combat oxidative stress, which can contribute to hair damage and loss. Including steamed sweet potatoes in your diet as part of a balanced and nutritious eating plan can support overall scalp health and potentially reduce the risk of hair loss.

12. Seaweed soup

Seaweed soup is rich in essential nutrients like vitamins A, C, and E, along with minerals such as iron and zinc, which are vital for healthy hair growth. These nutrients help nourish the scalp, strengthen hair follicles, and promote circulation, which can aid in reducing hair loss. Seaweed’s high iodine content supports thyroid function, which regulates hair growth cycles. Incorporating seaweed soup into your diet may help address nutritional deficiencies and support overall scalp and hair health, potentially reducing the risk of hair loss.

13. Moringa Leaves soup

Moringa leaves soup is a nutritious option that may help address hair loss due to its rich nutrient profile. Moringa leaves are packed with vitamins A, E, and C, essential for maintaining scalp health and promoting hair growth. Additionally, moringa contains minerals like iron and zinc, crucial for preventing hair loss and promoting strong, healthy hair follicles. Its antioxidant properties also combat oxidative stress, which can contribute to hair damage and loss. Incorporating moringa leaves soup into your diet can provide essential nutrients that support overall hair health and potentially reduce the risk of hair loss.

14. Oranges (or any citrus fruits)

Oranges are a rich source of vitamin C, which is essential for collagen production, aiding in the strength and elasticity of hair follicles. The antioxidant properties of vitamin C help combat oxidative stress, promoting a healthy scalp environment conducive to hair growth. Additionally, oranges contain folate, which supports cell division and tissue growth, crucial for maintaining healthy hair follicles. Including oranges in your diet can help provide the necessary nutrients to support overall hair health and potentially reduce the risk of hair loss.

15. Papaya

Papaya is rich in vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential for maintaining scalp health and promoting hair growth. Vitamin A aids in the production of sebum, a natural moisturizer for the scalp, while vitamin C promotes collagen production, strengthening hair follicles. Additionally, papaya contains enzymes that help remove dead skin cells and unclog hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth. Regular consumption of papaya can provide vital nutrients that support overall hair health and potentially reduce the risk of hair loss.

16. Avocado

Avocado is abundant in essential nutrients like vitamins E, C, and B-complex, which nourish the scalp and promote hair growth. Vitamin E stimulates circulation to the scalp, fostering healthy follicles and reducing hair loss. Additionally, the monounsaturated fats in avocado moisturize the scalp, preventing dryness and breakage. Its high content of antioxidants combats free radicals, aiding in maintaining a healthy scalp environment conducive to hair growth. Integrating avocado into your diet can support overall hair health and may help reduce the risk of hair loss.

17. Plain Yogurt

Plain yogurt is a rich source of protein and vitamins, including B vitamins like B12 and B5, which promote hair growth and scalp health. Its probiotic properties help maintain a balanced scalp environment, reducing inflammation and dandruff, common contributors to hair loss. Yogurt’s lactic acid gently exfoliates the scalp, promoting healthy follicles and preventing clogged pores. Regular application of yogurt as a hair mask can nourish the scalp and strengthen hair strands, potentially reducing hair loss over time.

18. Curry leaves (fresh or powdered)

Curry leaves are rich in antioxidants, proteins, and beta-carotene, which nourish the scalp and strengthen hair follicles, potentially reducing hair loss. The nutrients in curry leaves help rejuvenate hair follicles, promoting healthy hair growth and preventing premature hair thinning. Curry leaves also contain compounds that stimulate blood circulation in the scalp, improving nutrient delivery to hair follicles. Regular consumption or topical application of curry leaves may help maintain scalp health and minimize hair loss.

19. Buttermilk

Buttermilk contains lactic acid, which helps cleanse the scalp by removing excess oil, dirt, and dead skin cells, promoting a healthy environment for hair growth. It also contains proteins and vitamins that nourish the scalp and hair follicles, potentially reducing hair loss. Buttermilk’s natural moisturizing properties hydrate the scalp and hair, preventing dryness and breakage. Regular use of buttermilk as a scalp treatment or hair rinse may help improve scalp health and minimize hair loss.

20. Sprouted beans

Sprouted beans are rich in essential nutrients like protein, iron, zinc, and biotin, which are vital for maintaining healthy hair growth and preventing hair loss. These nutrients nourish the scalp and hair follicles, promoting strength and resilience. Sprouted beans also contain antioxidants that help protect the scalp from damage caused by free radicals, reducing hair loss. Regular consumption of sprouted beans as part of a balanced diet can support overall scalp health and contribute to reduced hair loss over time.

21. Amla or Indian Gooseberries

Amla, or Indian gooseberries, are renowned for their high vitamin C content, which aids in collagen synthesis, strengthening hair follicles and preventing hair breakage and loss. Amla also contains antioxidants that combat free radicals, reducing scalp damage and promoting healthy hair growth. Its antimicrobial properties help maintain scalp health, preventing dandruff and other scalp conditions that may contribute to hair loss. Regular consumption of amla, either in the form of fruit, juice, or supplements, can support overall hair health and help mitigate hair loss.

22. Beetroot

Beetroot is rich in nutrients like iron, vitamins A and C, and antioxidants, which promote healthy hair growth and reduce hair loss. Iron deficiency is often linked to hair loss, and beetroot provides a significant source of iron, which helps in the production of hemoglobin and promotes blood circulation to the scalp. Additionally, beetroot’s high vitamin C content aids in collagen production, strengthening hair follicles and preventing breakage. Regular consumption of beetroot juice or incorporation of beetroot into the diet can support scalp health and contribute to reduced hair loss over time.

23. Dark chocolate

Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants like flavonoids, which promote scalp health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, factors linked to hair loss. Its high iron content supports healthy blood circulation to the scalp, ensuring adequate oxygen and nutrient delivery to hair follicles, promoting growth and strength. Dark chocolate also contains zinc and vitamins that nourish hair follicles, reducing breakage and loss. Regular consumption of moderate amounts of dark chocolate as part of a balanced diet may contribute to improved scalp health and reduced hair loss.


Incorporating these superfoods into your diet can effectively combat hair loss and promote the growth of new, healthy hair. By nourishing your body with nutrient-rich foods like berries, nuts, seeds, fish, and leafy greens, you provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants crucial for hair health. Remember to maintain a balanced diet and lifestyle for optimal results in your journey toward stronger, thicker hair.

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