healthy body

10 Ways To Boost Your Immune System To Fight This Pandemic
Coronavirus (COVID-19) was considered a global pandemic by the World Health Organization. It is a leading challenge throughout the globe. ...

What Is A Time-restricted Meal?
In modern times, the lifestyle of people has changed a lot. They have to work overnight and long hours, especially ...

Top 5 Immunity-boosting Foods For The Body
A person’s optimum nutrition must allow the immune system to respond against the pathogen and sustain health in case of ...

Stay Healthy By Staying Alert
Keeping your body healthy will save you from many health ailments. Many sources edify effective steps to stay healthy to ...

Why Is Eating Homemade Food Healthy For The Body?
Dal khichdi, Sambar rice, Roti bhaji, and Kadi. Don’t these delicious food items make your mouth water as well? Better ...

Importance Of Nutrition And Exercise For The Body
Nutrition and exercise are important for all people. During the pandemic year, many people suffer from unemployment, lack of food, ...

3 Effective Healthy Lifestyle Practices To Follow
This is a very well-known quote: “A healthy outside starts from the inside.” We care about our worldly things in ...

11 Benefits Of Aerobic Exercises
Aerobics exercises can prove beneficial for our body’s health. Wikipedia defines “aerobic” as “relating to, involving, or requiring free oxygen” ...

The Benefits Of Consistency In The Sleep Schedule
Why do doctors or health professionals advise to get proper and sound sleep for the body? Or importantly, they insist ...

Kung Fu Panda Secret Ingredient Noodle Soup
You and your kid must have tried out certain foods inspired by famous cartoons like Slurm (Futurama), Scooby snacks (Scooby-dooby ...

7 Ayurvedic Herbs To Beat The Risk Of Infections
Having a strong, healthy immunity is so imperative to fight off various infections. With compromised immunity, your body gets susceptible ...

Why You Should Improve Your Posture?
Postural correction is the main aim of Medical Yoga. The term ‘Medical Yoga’ is where yoga is learned and taught ...

13 Health Benefits Of Walking For A Fit Body
Sitting is the new smoking of our generations. The modern world is full of physiological disorders, poor health, mental health, ...

How Much Protein One Should Intake in a Diet
You all are aware of proteins; it is one of the important macronutrients. They are the building blocks of our ...