4 Unhealthy Foods That Cause Cancer

Stephy Gandhi

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Avoid 4 Unhealthy Foods That Cause Cancer

The cancer risk can be prevented if they started, including proper nutrition and healthy habits in their lives. Proper nutrition guarantees vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants are necessary to boost the body’s functions to fight cancer cells. But avoid these unhealthy foods that cause cancer, or that may increase its intensity or growth rate. Also, different bad diet habits may downhill the healing process.

Unhealthy Foods That Cause Cancer

1. Alcohol

Source: NPR

Any type of alcohol can contribute to the increased risk of cancer. Once you consume alcohol, your body breaks it down into acetaldehyde, which damages your DNA. It further does not let your body repair the damaged DNA. Therefore, these damaged cells start growing uncontrollably, causing cancer tumors. 

Try to avoid high alcohol intake as it damages the DNA. Also, these alcoholic beverages increase the estrogen level. Thus, if the breast cancer patient consumes it, it may put a patient’s life in danger, increasing the chances of mouth, esophagus, bowel, and liver cancer.

2. Red Meat

Red Meat
Source: Taste of Home

Red meat like lamb, pork, beef, etc., is classified as a Group 2A carcinogen. Eating red meat and barbequed or processed meat like sausages, bacon, salami, etc., increases bowel cancer chances. Avoid consuming raw meat as it forms heterocyclic amines when you grill, roast, or fry the meat; it increases cancer risk. 

Although studies classified red meat as a probable cause for cancer, there is an evident link between red meat and pancreatic/stomach cancer. Therefore, it is better to be safe and sound.

3. Salt

Source: Runner’s World

Studies have shown a strong link between salt intake and cancer. A high amount of salt intake in your diet increases the chances of stomach cancer. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR), excess salt consumption damages the inner linings of the stomach, which becomes prone to cancer cell formation. Salt is also a leading cause of increased blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

4. Peanuts And Grains

Peanuts And Grains
Source: Medical News Today

Cancer-causing compound aflatoxins are found in nuts, cereals, and spices, which may raise liver cancer levels. Aflatoxins are the harmful toxins produced by certain fungi: Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Although peanuts are considered nutritious food, it is not the same case for liver cancer. 

Unhealthy Habits You Must Avoid

Unhealthy Habits You Must Avoid
Source: Verywell Fit
  • Avoid junk food
  • Avoid unpasteurized dairy products.
  • Unwashed fruits and vegetables with hidden dirt
  • Undercooked egg such as soft boiled or poached
  • Canned fruit juices or other canned goods
  • Raw or undercooked fishes like salami, salmon, oysters carry the hepatitis A virus. Thus, it worsens the disease.
  • Drinking sugary beverages excessively

Some Examples Of Cancer And Foods To Be Avoided

Suffering From Liver Cancer

Limit The Protein Intake

Protein is essential for boosting energy levels and fulfill the nutrient requirements. But for liver cancer, the patient should consume a moderate amount of protein because the body should not process protein in this case. A higher protein intake may form toxic substances that may buildup in the liver and aggravate liver cancer symptoms.

Avoid High-fat Foods

Avoid consuming high fatty food as it may stress the liver, which is already under stress from processing foods and coping with medical treatments. Thus, consume the fats in moderation.

Avoid Eating Foods With High Salt Content

Salt intake worsens the symptoms of swelling and fluid accumulation in the liver as it stimulates the body to absorb water and thus fluid retention in the body. This limit salt consumption.

For Lung Cancer Patients

Avoid tart, acidic, or spicy food for lung cancer patients as it may aggravate the symptoms. Consuming alcohol and smoking are bad choices if you have lung cancer. Foods high in saturated fat and processed carbohydrates can also lead to an increased risk of lung cancer.

Read Also: 5 Healthy Foods For Cancer To Eat

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