
3 myths about MSG that should be debunked
Over the years, Monosodium Glutamate or MSG has been demonized as a “hazardous” food additive. However, that is far from ...

5 Simple Ways to an Alkaline Diet
In order for your blood to effectively act as a medium of oxygen and absorb vital nutrients, your body’s pH ...

A Sneak-Peek Into The Different Types Of Wines
Wine, the fermented juice of grapes; made of the genus Vitis vinifera, is used almost exclusively. Generally, when fruits are fermented to ...

Get to know the Facts and Risks behind consuming Supplements
People take supplements but excessive intake could be detrimental to health. Generally, individuals with a risk-prone deficiency are advised to ...

Is A Vegetarian Diet The Way To Go?
Vegetarian diets exclude meat, seafood, and products containing these foods. Did you know that lacto-ovo-vegetarians consume dairy products and eggs, ...

All You Need To Know Vitamin D In Breast Milk
Dietitians and clinical nutritionists who work with breastfeeding moms get many queries about the ampleness of vitamin D in breast ...

16 Symptoms That You Have Vitamin D Deficiency
Vitamin D, also known as cholecalciferol, is an essential nutrient that facilitates the absorption of calcium and other minerals for ...

3 Possible Ways to manage Menstrual Pain
Menstruation is another painful process besides childbirth. When an awful menstrual cycle, or in other words – “code red” starts, ...

The Pros and Cons of Paleo Diet: Is it Adoptable?
Paleo Diet includes food that our ancestors of the pre-historic era used to eat. It is also called the ‘Stone ...

Modern Day Menstruation: How Menstrual Cups are Highly Effective
Over the years, menstruation has had many labels, taboos and stigmas. It has been referred to as both a cure ...

Do You Know the Truth Behind ‘10000 Steps a Day’?
Many of us track our steps with smart devices or apps and are, of course, thrilled when we reach that ...

The 3 Phases of South Beach Diet: A Detailed Guide
South beach diet was invented in 1990 by Dr. Arthur Agatston, a Miami based cardiologist. Dr. Arthur noticed that people ...

Immunonutrition: The Ultimate Role of Nutrients
The immune system is the body’s line of defense against diseases and infection. The WHO in the current pandemic situation ...

What are the Alarming Types of Eating Disorders?
Eating disorders often develop during the teen or young adult years of an individual, although they can develop at other ...

Consuming Sugar – Yay or Nay?
Let’s Clear the Confusion Sugar – it tastes the sweetest on the tongue, yet it has a bittersweet reputation. All ...

Pros and Cons of Using Lavender and its Side Effects
Lavender is an herb, a flowering plant in the mint family that’s easily recognized by its candy floral scent. The ...