Smriti Jain

What Is Autophagy?
Our body contains an uncountable number of cells, and with time some parts of cells get damaged like any machine ...

6 Effective Tips To Start Clean Eating In Life
Clean eating doesn’t mean anything with food being clean or dirty. Clean eating means including whole foods in their most ...

Can You Overdose On Antioxidants?
Overdosing anything is not good; too much is not always good. We always heard that vitamins are good for health. ...

Should You Drink Milk Before Bed?
Milk, for a long time, has been seen as a medicine for every ailment. Some prefer to have it in ...

Understand Everything About Wheat Belly Diet
Ever wondered that giving up wheat could help you to lose those extra pounds? Well, the wheat belly diet promises ...

6 Benefits Of Sweating It Out
The cliche the more you sweat, the better your workout. In fact, many of us do feel like if we ...

6 Eating Habits That Weaken Your Immune System
Boosting your immune system is the most important thing to do during the COVID-19 pandemic. The immune system is the ...

6 Healthy Foods That Will Improve Your Mood
So you think a cheesy burger or momos will make you feel better? Then you need to think again. The ...

6 Health Benefits Of Nutritional Yeast And How To Use It In Food
What is nutritional yeast? Nutritional yeast is a superfood that provides the body with significant nutrients. There are so many ...

Is Basmati Rice Healthy?
When we think of rice, only one thing comes to our mind that is carbs. However, Indian people consume rice ...

6 Yoga Asanas Poses For Weight Loss
Since ancient times, yoga has been practiced by millions of people whose practitioners consider it more than just a form ...

8 Foods That Help You Get Rid Of Belly Fat
Losing is a good thing, especially when we are talking about that stubborn belly fat. It is responsible for heart ...