12 Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance In Women

Stephy Gandhi

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12 Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance In Women

Our body contains chemical messengers known as hormones produced by the endocrine glands and secreted directly into the bloodstream. There are different types of hormones for different aspects of bodily functions and processes. Hormonal fluctuation in women at different periods of life is normal; it may happen during puberty, pregnancy, breastfeeding, menopause, causing various symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women.

These hormonal changes affect women’s bodies in different ways because each hormone has its function. For example, in a routine life, women go through stress, frustration, trouble, and mood swings due to hormonal shifts.

Hormonal balance is the key to healthy well being. In this article, you will learn about the symptoms of the body’s natural chemicals’ on-off balance. Therefore, stay here to read on.

Common Symptoms Of Hormonal Imbalance In Women

A wide range of symptoms trigger the hormonal imbalance in women, and it depends on the type of hormone or gland affected. Based on symptoms, women might know about their causative factors and make some lifestyle changes to constant hormonal levels. I have listed some common symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women that they experience.

1. Chances Of Excessive Weight Gain

Chances Of Excessive Weight Gain
Source: Insider

Hormones, including cortisol, estrogen, insulin, and thyroid put on your weight and extra belly fat as it slows down the metabolism and makes it difficult to lose weight. This excess fat around the belly secret the hormones that disrupt the health. The high levels of cortisol also lead to obesity as it increases your appetite. Excessive weight gain can result in polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) (a hormone-related problem that causes small cysts on the ovaries).

2. Reduce Muscular Mass

Reduce Muscular Mass
Source: Gymbean

Growth hormone, somatotropin, secreted by the pituitary gland, helps to build muscle mass and growth. This hormone interacts with insulin and weakens the muscles. However, to build a muscle mass, you need higher amounts of anabolic hormones like Growth hormone rather than catabolic hormones like cortisol. Cortisol is also responsible for inhibiting muscle growth by breaking down molecules, releasing energy from them. But you can treat this condition by consuming green tomatoes and apples to reverse the age-related muscle weakness.

3. Sweaty Skin

Sweaty Skin
Source: Medical News Today

The hormonal imbalance increases the irregular sweating of the body. The primary function of hormones is to control the body’s temperature. This is not a critical problem, but it will make you feel uncomfortable. Do not ignore sweaty skin as it is one of the symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women. Excessive sweating can lead to sleep disruption too.

4. Decrease Sex Drive And Results In Infertility

Decrease Sex Drive And Results In Infertility
Source: Women’s Healthcare

Ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone (the sex hormones), which are linked with sexual competency. Researchers found high levels of estrogen increase the sex drive and progesterone reduces the desire for sexual intimacy. Therefore, these hormones’ imbalanced levels disturb the libido.

5. Feeling Lethargic All The Time

Feeling Lethargic All The Time
Source: Forbes

Extreme fatigue is due to a lack of hormone thyroxin secreted by the thyroid gland; this condition is called hypothyroidism. Excess progesterone levels are also responsible for fatigue. Other reasons behind the lethargic condition are lack of sleep, stress, or irregular menstrual cycle.

6. Skin Problem Acne

Skin Problem Acne
Source: Everyday Health

Acne is the clogged skin pores infected with bacteria. Acne can be disastrous if it isn’t taken care of properly. Many women experience acne before the periods as the high level of testosterone hormone is produced in the body.

7. Digestive Problems And Upset Tummy

Digestive Problems And Upset Tummy
Source: Women’s Health

The hormone, especially estrogen, has an impact on the microflora of the gut and GI tract. Also, stress fluctuates the hormonal level and interrupt the metabolism. This is why women feel bloating, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, or constipation before or during menses. Healthy food patterns and workout can figure out the digestive issues.

8. Extreme Hair Fall

Extreme Hair Fall
Source: Woman&Home

Hair fall is a prevalent problem for women. If you suffer from extreme hair loss, it is a troublesome situation, and one should consult the physician. Hormonal inequality has a significant impact on hair. If the thyroid gland is out of balance, you might have dry skin, constipation, hair loss, etc. At this stage, the doctor would suggest you get the blood test done to find the problem’s root cause.

Another hormone is cortisol released by the adrenal gland when its level gets elevated, an individual sense distressed. Another reason a woman is going through menopause or perimenopause is that sex hormones level gets disrupted and results in hair fall.

9. Sleep Disorders Or Apnea

Sleep Disorders Or Apnea
Source: ResMed

Insomnia is because of hormonal inconsistency, and the hormone responsible for is progesterone and estrogen. Progesterone is called Nature’s valerian as it works as a tranquilizer and gives peace to the mind, but its level gets declined when women enter perimenopause. A study found that estrogen and progesterone levels get dropped after childbirth, disturbing sleep and causing postnatal depression and weight gain.

10. Anxiety And Depression

Anxiety And Depression
Source: Bridges to Recovery

Hormonal imbalance causes you to go through mood swings, anxiety, depression, etc. Estrogen levels get fluctuated during the reproductive cycle, and decreased levels make you more anxious. And anxiety further leads to depression. Low levels of cortisol in the body cause depressive symptoms too.

11. Constant Vaginal Dryness

Constant Vaginal Dryness
Source: Office on Women’s Health

Changes in estrogen levels are connected directly to vaginal tissues. An inconsistent level of estrogen changes the vagina wall and causes dryness. Estrogen is needed to moist the vagina and to maintain the thickness of the vaginal lining. The low levels of estrogen cause itching, sex discomfort, and pain. Consult a doctor right away if you start experiencing this symptom.

12. Changes In The Structure Of Breasts

Changes In The Structure Of Breasts
Source: Lady Care Health

Changes in breast structure are normal during aging, menopause due to hormonal changes. When there is a hormonal imbalance, it may result in lumpy breasts or become dense. These are generally cysts or fibroids, but they are harmless and disappear once hormonal levels are balanced.

The National Cancer Institute states that breast changes are not always cancerous, but you should consult the physician if you still feel the lumps to rule out the problem. Sometimes during menopause, women develop large breasts, or they can sag more as a dropped level of estrogen makes breast tissue less fatty and dense.

Be aware of these symptoms of hormonal imbalance in women and schedule a regular check-up with your doctor. Hormonal imbalance is a problem that cannot be ignored.

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