“Stress”, is a friend of ours now! No longer a stranger! Adults do have a lot of stress-related to workload, family issues, etc Children these days are also taking a lot of loads( carrying heavy school bags, completing homework, exam pressure, etc)Stress is a big word with different types and intensities. We might experience the same kind of difficult situations in life. Our responses differ from person to person.
“Attitude” is what exactly differs!
As they say –
A pessimist perceives every negative side for an opportunity.
An optimist perceives positive side for an opportunity.
An opportunist converts every difficulty into opportunity!
We all wish to stay calm and positive during stress. Solving problems is a big task although. Giving the best performance, we try to get the best results each day. An effort to add success and happiness in our lives! In stress, we try a lot of things like meditation, laughter therapy, reading jokes or watching comedy shows, listening to songs, etc. It is believed that stress changes “eating behavior” or pattern.
Individuals’ food choices are mainly influenced due to stress. Sweet craving is more common during stress. Some people might choose comfort foods like ice cream, chocolate, pizza, etc. These people mostly put on weight during stress. On the other hand, some people may eat in less quantity or sometimes even skip their meals. They tend to lose weight during stress. Both approaches can give temporary relief.
4 stress-busters for peace of mind
1. Using lemon or lime juice
Vitamin C is an important nutrient for relieving stress. Lemon contains citric acid. Lime juice is rich in Vitamin C. Lime water helps in maintaining electrolyte balance. It also plays a role in reducing blood pressure. Garnishing recipes with lime juice is indeed a great option. Having a glass of lime water in our daily routine is much more beneficial. Intake of lime juice makes us feel fresh, happy, and cheerful!
2. Adding 1 bowl of curd
The curd is a “probiotic”.It contains beneficial live bacteria. Beneficial bacteria improve the count of healthy bacteria in the gut microflora. A healthy gut microflora is linked with reducing stress and anxiety, promoting mental well being.
3. A pinch of Turmeric
Turmeric contains a substance called “curcumin”. Curcumin acts against stress, anxiety, and depression. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect. Intake of turmeric prevents inflammation causing disorders like cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc. Turmeric is mostly added in vegetables, dals, and many other recipes.
4. Green leafy vegetables 2-3 times a week
Folate plays role in stimulating the secretions of hormones which provide a “calming” and “feel good” effect. Maximum green leafy vegetables are rich in “folate”. Spinach is a better choice! People who don’t like spinach vegetables can try spinach paratha, spinach soup, raita, etc…
Intake of these foods will certainly reduce stress!
An effort to add happiness and cheerfulness to your life! Change of attitude from ” pessimistic” to “optimistic”. Getting the next level from “optimistic” to “opportunistic”.