The Volumetrics Diet: How Efficient And Sustainable It Is?
The Volumetrics diet, first mentioned in the book “Volumetrics: Feel Full on Fewer Calories” by Dr. Barbara Rolls, partially aligns ...
5 Healthy Ways To Manage Weight Gain
There is no secret that the number of calories people consumes and drink directly impacts their weight. Consuming the same ...
What Is The Zone Diet?
The zone diet is a type of fad diet that emphasizes a low carbohydrate diet. The zone diet was developed ...
A Guide To Food Habits For A Healthy Life
Start eagerly and frequently introduce healthy food habits, and all you need is to CUT THE CRAP AND ESCAPE FROM ...
Top 5 Immunity-boosting Foods For The Body
A person’s optimum nutrition must allow the immune system to respond against the pathogen and sustain health in case of ...
Eat Food Consciously To Stay Healthy
We are constantly aware of how much money we spend and how much we save. And be healthy. Every person ...
4 Tips To Enhance Your Vitality
“A life without health is like a river without water.” Don’t worry about the limitations to how fit and healthy ...
Relook Nutrition In Indian Food Culture
Traditional Indian foods are rich in functional foods because of functional components like antioxidants, dietary fibers, and probiotics, which support weight management, ...
Food As Fuel For The Body
Food is something that we eat, which nourishes our bodies to carry out our daily activities smoothly. We often hear ...
Why Is Eating Homemade Food Healthy For The Body?
Dal khichdi, Sambar rice, Roti bhaji, and Kadi. Don’t these delicious food items make your mouth water as well? Better ...
8 Healthy Nutrition Tips To Follow
Eating is vital for survival; however, eating with awareness and intelligence is an art by itself. The healthy nutrition tips ...
9 Fast Food Side Effects On Health
The fast-food concept is not new, but it is related to hundred of a year ago. They were first popularized ...
5 Benefits Of Eating Fruits You Must Know
The fruit is nature’s candy. Have you heard anyone encourage anyone, especially kids, to eat fruits generously but stay away ...
A Proper Guide To Living A Healthy Lifestyle
Making smart decisions about the foods you consume and how you cook them is key to eating healthy. For living ...
Are Carbohydrates Healthy For The Body?
Nowadays, “low carb diet” or “zero-carb diet” are trending. People are alert about carbohydrates in their daily food intake. Everyone ...
How Apples Benefit The Body?
We all know apple when we started learning English alphabets where ‘A’ stands for ‘Apple.’ Now, let us see about ...