8 Healthy Nutrition Tips To Follow
Eating is vital for survival; however, eating with awareness and intelligence is an art by itself. The healthy nutrition tips ...
7 Mindful Eating Techniques For Healthy Living
Stop worrying about what you eat, and start enjoying it. Rather than crossing off the things you shouldn’t look for ...
Butter Vs. Margarine: Choose The Healthy One
Welcome to the face-off of butter vs. margarine, the most awaited one. Both of these foods are commonly found in ...
8 Health Benefits Of Moringa
Moringa tree (Moringa oleifera) – we are very familiar with this tree from our childhood, as this is a commonly ...
Why Am I Not Losing Weight?
Why am I not losing weight? – this common question is asked by most of the people facing weight-related issues. ...
10 Foods That Help You Beat Depression
Depression is a mental health disorder that is associated with overwhelming feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and despair. Depression also interferes ...
Food And Depression: How They Affect Each Other?
Experts confirm that food has a direct influence on mental health. A poor diet can worsen mood and anxiety. Whereas ...
How Much Protein One Should Intake in a Diet
You all are aware of proteins; it is one of the important macronutrients. They are the building blocks of our ...
Sweet Cheat With Frozen Yogurt Bites (An Easy Recipe)
It’s summer, and what is summer without ice-creams, flushes, and chilled juices? You might have read this quote, “To eat ...
It Is All About A Vegan Diet!
A vegan diet is a completely plant-based diet where the person neither eats any animal-based products nor dairy products. Animal ...