We always assume that having healthy, nutritious food containing high protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals with some physical activity are the means of healthy well-being. But this is not enough.
Eating at the proper time and in some portions is also required. However, a few things we are habituated with after finishing our meal may put our lives at risk of danger. Here, I will explain certain things one must avoid after a meal.
Things To Avoid After A Meal
1. Sleeping

The best thing we like to do is hitting a bed directly after a meal. But do you know how it affects our body? Firstly, the digestive juices from the stomach going back to the esophagus due to gravitational force lead to the burning sensation in the esophagus. Secondly, it slows down the digestion in the stomach, results in bloating, discomfort, acidity, weight gain, and may also increase the chances of heart stroke. That’s why it is always said to have a meal 2-3 hrs before sleeping.
2. Eating Fruits

Fruits are always healthier in all ways, but there is a proper time for having them. The best time is to have them in breakfast for catching all its essential nutrients or 30 minutes before a meal. What happens if you take after a meal? Fruits take lesser time to digest than food as some enzymes present in the body. Having it after a meal makes it stuck in the body for a longer time and nullifying its nutritional value. Also, you may experience heartburn, indigestion, and other discomforts.
3. Walking

We usually prefer to go for a walk to burn some calories and make easy digestion, but it might interfere with food digestion. So, wait for a while. Therefore, walking is one of the things you must avoid after a meal.
4. Avoid Smoking

We all are aware of the dangerous signs of cigarette smoking, yet many people are so much addicted to they can’t quit. But most importantly, it impacts our health badly when you do smoke after the meal. Nicotine present in cigarettes binds with the oxygen required for digestion and forms carcinogen. It makes faster absorption of carcinogen than normal, which may put your health more at risk. Smoking after a post-meal is equal to smoking 10 cigarettes at once and increases lung cancer and bowel cancer chances.
5. Sipping Tea Or Coffee

Some people have a terrible habit of having tea or coffee immediately after a meal to relieve muscle fatigue and mental stress. Not allowing this beverage after the meal as the chemical component tannin present in tea binds with the protein and iron from food, decreasing the 87% iron absorption. It leads to various iron deficiencies, such as anemia, dizziness, weakness, cold hands and feet, etc. Whether sipping these beverages before or after the meal but the consumption should be in moderation.
6. Taking A Shower

Digesting food requires some energy. After piping a hot meal, we usually intend to go for a bath, but it is one thing to avoid after a meal. But it’s not good at all. As you start showering the body, blood flow starts increasing in hands and feet and slows down in the stomach. This may weaken your digestive system and invite several digestive issues. It is best to wait for at least 30 minutes after a meal.
7. Drinking Cold Water

Some people have the habit of drinking cold water for whatever the season is! Indeed, it is not good for health. As cold water slows down digestion and prevents letting the nutrients get absorbed properly and resulting in the clumping of food in the stomach. In another way, warm or room temperature water makes easy digestion, but remember to drink it after 30-45 minutes after a meal.
8. Avoid Dancing

We always think the movement is necessary after eating for fast digestion, but no. Too much dancing or moving makes it difficult to digest food in the intestine. Also, it makes your body lethargic, inducing a food coma. Therefore, dancing, etc. is better to avoid after a meal.
9. Brushing Teeth

Scrubbing teeth after a meal is a good idea to remove food particles and debris. But in another way, it affects our teeth as it removes the enamel layer on teeth and makes them more susceptible to any damage. Therefore, it is better to wait at least half an hour after a meal.
10. Driving A Car

After eating, blood flow increases in the abdomen for digestion and lessens in the brain. Therefore, less blood concentration makes it dangerous to drive. So, do not immediately hit the road, but wait for some time after a meal.