Do You Know the Truth Behind ‘10000 Steps a Day’?
Many of us track our steps with smart devices or apps and are, of course, thrilled when we reach that ...
How To Keep Your Uterus Healthy?
The uterus is an essential organ in women’s bodies. It is home to the fertilized ovum and then the baby. ...
What Is Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)?
Irritable bowel syndrome is a health disorder that affects the large intestine. One study stated that your colon gets oversensitive ...
11 Useful Tips To Prevent Obesity In Adolescents
Obesity is a chronic disease and is likely to carry forward to adulthood and the rest of life. Consequences like ...
Walking And Yoga: Benefits And Effects
I always say not to compare two things. The competition should be with the self and not others. But when ...
13 Health Benefits Of Walking For A Fit Body
Sitting is the new smoking of our generations. The modern world is full of physiological disorders, poor health, mental health, ...
8 Types Of Aerobic Exercises For The Fit Body
Exercise is one of the best things one can do for their health. It has innumerable benefits like improving your ...