10 Health Complications Of Migraines
Migraine is a neurological condition commonly characterized by intense headaches or pulsing sensations on one side of the head. Women ...
Body Dysmorphic Disorder- a Mental Illness
Where it all started! Our self-absorption with physical appearance takes us back to Eve (first woman). Do you know what ...
Overcome Anorexia Nervosa – Do not deny hunger
Body obsession usually develops in a person who suffers from extreme body dissatisfaction. The thoughts and feelings about body image ...
Are you a Compulsive Healthy Eater?
Today’s generation is so hooked up on the idea of looking fit and flawless that they ignore the repercussions and ...
Binge Eating Disorder: Are You Stuck In The Pendulum Effect?
“As I searched for food perfection, and as I gained weight, I began to realize that the race for perfection ...
Beautify Yourself: Mind, Body, And Soul!
The human body is a beautiful system where each part has its significance and specific job. We must nourish it ...