When it comes to bone health, the prime two key nutrients come in mind: calcium and vitamin D. We get calcium into our body from external sources, and vitamin D helps its absorption. Consume these nutrient-rich superfoods to build healthy bones.
Bone structure is an essential part of our body as it helps you move, gives you shape, and supports the body. These are the living tissues that continuously rebuild throughout life. Bones grow faster in the ’20s, teenage and the process slows down after the ’20s.
Today, the most common problem of bone health is osteoporosis, which is mainly characterized by brittle and breaking bones. Therefore, it is required to get plenty of calcium and vitamin D, which may prevent/slow down the disease. In this article, we give you the best calcium and vitamin D sources to keep your bones healthy.
14 Superfoods To Build Healthy Bones
1. Spinach

Make green leafy salad your first choice for healthier bone. Green leafy vegetables are packed with a rich source of nutrients, mainly calcium, magnesium, and vitamin K. Vitamin K also helps to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.
This is the best leafy vegetable for getting daily calcium. One cup of daily calcium contains 25% of daily calcium, iron, fiber, and Vitamin A.
2. Kale

Leafy green kale is versatile and inexpensive; you can juice it, stir it, bake it, and sauté it. It provides a significant number of nutrients when having it in the form of a soup. One cup of cooked kale includes magnesium, vitamin K. As we know, vitamin K’s role in bone health is in conjunction with vitamin D regulates osteoclast production, making an essential part of bone remodeling.
3. Salmon

Getting early morning sunlight is essential to get vitamin D, but the heaving fatty fish is important as well.
As fatty fish have bone-boosting properties, salmon has a rich amount of omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, which improves calcium absorption. Consuming salmon helps to prevent cardiac diseases, and control weight, and thyroid issues.
4. Sardines

These tiny fishes look odd and savory in taste. These fishes work wonders for the body as containing the right amount of vitamin D, calcium, and omega 3 fatty acids helps in building a good amount of body mass—also a rich source of essential minerals and vitamins that keep disease away. Sardines also cure anxiety and depression and control sugar levels.
5. Tuna

These canned fish is loaded with healthy vitamins. It also contains beneficial nutrients like potassium, magnesium, and omega 3 fatty acids.
6. Catfish

Least expensive, rich source of Vitamin D
7. Eggs

An egg has an excellent amount of Vitamin D and a very easy to get it. But remember Vitamin D is found in its yolk part, not in egg whites.
8. Milk

This is a fully loaded dose of calcium; therefore, doctors usually recommend having a cup of milk daily. Research shows that one cup has around 30% of calcium, which our body needs daily. Also, milk sold in stores is fortified, which makes milk a double whammy for healthy bones.
9. Yogurt

It has more amount of calcium than milk from which it is made. And I can say that it can be a creamy way to get your daily calcium. Fat-free calcium has 30% calcium and 20% vitamin D for the day.
10. Cheese

If milk has more amounts of calcium, then it means cheese also has. But it does not mean to have it in excess. Enjoy it in moderation. To choose from wide varieties, cheddar has a high amount of calcium, but for a healthier option, try cheese from skim milk.
11. Almond Butter

Almond butter is the best way to boost your calcium intake and is better than peanut butter. They contain a high amount of calcium and proteins, Less in fat and cholesterol. These other nutrients are also required for building bone mass.
12. Fig

If looking for improvising bone density, a fig is the best option. Fresh figs have around 90 mg of calcium and skeleton-saving nutrients like potassium and magnesium. Dried ones are just as good as half a cup of dried figs have 121 mg of calcium.
13. Nuts

Walnuts are a rich source of linolenic acid, and omega-3 fatty acids, which cut down the bone-breaking process and keep bone formation constant. Brazil nuts are an excellent source of magnesium, grab a handful of nuts and do the topping on oatmeal. But remember it has a high amount of fat, thus limiting your servings.
14. Sweeteners

Sweetener means that it is not refined sugar but molasses a good source of calcium. A tablespoon of sweet syrup containing 41 mg of calcium makes a healthy dish of oatmeal or a smoothie with molasses.