Dentists emphasize the importance of oral hygiene. But why is dental health significant?
Dental health means the hygiene of all parts of the mouth – teeth, gums, and internal parts of the cheeks.
As the tooth erosion worsens, you can’t chew food and therefore, your body doesn’t get essential nutrients which can further cause health complications.
Did you know that dental health depends on the outer layer of the teeth called enamel?
Lets Check What Exactly Enamel Is.

The enamel on teeth is the opaque, translucent, hardest and highly mineralized protective outer coating of each tooth to defend against tooth decay.
Secondly, can enamel grow back during our lifespan?
Enamel does not have any living cells and is unable to repair itself if there is any physical damage.
Enamel erosion is irreversible and our body can’t produce more of it to replace the destroyed enamel, hence it won’t grow back.
However, if you have erosion; enamel protection should be your utmost priority.
Let’s read on to learn more about Tooth Erosion.
What Is Tooth Erosion?

Dental Erosion or Enamel Erosion is the irreversible wearing away of the enamel by an acidic compound which results in destroyed enamel structure.
What Are The Potential Factors That Lead To Erosion?
Highly acidic and sugary stuff is the culprit behind tooth erosion. These substances soften the enamel which is easily worn away during bruxism (grinding of teeth).
Below is the list of abrasive foods and drinks to avoid:
Carbonated Beverages or Diet Drinks

Citrus Juices like Lemon or Orange

Sports Drinks, Energy Drinks or Cider

Candy or Ice Cream

Certain Types of Pastas and Bread

Chewable Vitamin C Tablets

All these foods cause cavities along with avoiding brushing and flossing.
Complications of Tooth erosion
Primarily, Tooth Sensitivity because of excessive consumption of hot, cold, acidic and spicy food or drinks

Discoloration or Yellowish Teeth

Rounded looking teeth (especially canines and incisors) as ridges of the enamel wear away

Transparent appearance of tooth due to thinning of enamel and yellowness of the underlying dentin

Shiny spots on teeth

At Extreme Stage, Below Symptoms Might Occur
Cracked tooth as extreme tooth erosion causes the tooth edges to become cracked and rough

Cracked tooth causes the bacteria and acids to penetrate inside the mouth leading to problems ranging from cavities to tooth decay.

Cupping starts to develop on biting areas of the teeth

Treatment Or Preventive Measures
The treatment plan completely depends on the problems you are dealing with. Following are the listed treatment options:
To repair Enamels
If there is extreme enamel erosion, the dentist would suggest you to opt for Tooth Bonding. It is a cosmetic procedure in which tooth-colored material ‘resin’ is applied to mask the stained teeth. Once the resin gets hardened, it is bonded to the teeth and finally trimmed and polished to fix it properly.
Secondly, you may cover up the damaged teeth with crown to prevent further decay or any complications

Modify the pH level of your food and beverages which could be causing problems

Avoid abrasively brushing and use a soft bristled toothbrush

Wait before brushing

Brush your teeth after half an hour of eating as acids may soften your enamel which results in damaged teeth. Meanwhile, you can floss your teeth.
Sip water alongside eating acidic stuff or sugary food as it helps to rinse out the acids

Apply Fluoride Gel to your teeth

Try dairy products or coconut water as they are natural and sugar free instead of sipping sugary, carbonated drinks

Take antacid tablets to neutralize the acidic food effects

Drink acidic beverages with a straw as it helps to reduce their contact with the teeth

Common Ayurvedic Practices To Heal Dental Problems
Chew a twig of neem, banyan, babul or holy basil as they possess antibacterial properties and relieve all the dental worries

Use garlic, rock salt, guava or mango leaves which work as enamel cleansers and strengthen the gums too

Use a decoction of Triphala or Yashtimadhu to maintain oral hygiene

Before going to bed, apply a mixture of salt or baking soda with lime to prevent discoloration of teeth

Eat calcium rich food

Apply a paste of turmeric, salt and mustard oil on teeth and gums to prevent tooth decay