Vitamin D, also known as cholecalciferol, is an essential nutrient that facilitates the absorption of calcium and other minerals for building and protecting bones.
We can get vitamin D from three different sources:
- Sunlight
- Diet
- Supplements
Daily sunlight exposure is more than sufficient, but you can also explore other vitamin D-rich food sources such as salmon, tuna fish, eggs and fortified dairy products which are a must.
Keep in mind that spending too much time sunbathing is harmful because sun rays that hit the skin may cause cancer and skin problems in the future.
16 Symptoms That You Have Vitamin D Deficiency
1. Bone Discomfort

Deficiency of vitamin D is the significant factor of bone pain in ankles, shins, forearms and other joint pains.
Vitamin D works in sync with parathyroid glands and kidneys to maintain calcium levels. Therefore, if you are not getting enough of it, it tends to be the reason for joint pain and further leads to Chronic Osteoporosis due to lack of calcium.
2. Feeling Exhausted

We always think that getting enough sleep can help in getting rid of lethargy.
If you find yourself yawning throughout the day, you should get your vitamin D tested as its deficiency negatively impacts the overall health.
It is observed that vitamin D values less than 20 mg/ml often result in lethargic health.
Taking supplements, sunlight, and eating vitamin D rich food may alleviate the problem and enhance energy levels.
3. Falling Sick Often

The key function of vitamin D is to keep your immunity level up to fight against illnesses. But the decreased level of vitamin D impacts the antibodies, making you more susceptible to catching a cold, cough, flu, and many other infections.
4. Depression

Low levels of essential nutrients have a tendency to make you suffer from mood swings, irritability, and anxiety.
This happens as vitamin D is involved in regulating wellness hormones hence, improve vitamin intake to take care of your mental health.
5. Impaired Wound Healing

Our skin has the ability to repair the damage after any cuts, surgery, or illnesses, but if not so, vitamin D could be the causative factor.
Vitamin D plays a role in the wound healing process by rebuilding new tissues and regenerating the skin.
So, if you have to keep on applying bandages, increasing the vitamin D level should be your priority.
6. Hair Loss

Losing 100 strands of hair every day is normal, but if you notice a lot of hair falling during a shower or in the comb, or the development of bald patches, vitamin D deficiency or stress is the culprit behind this.
Alopecia Areta, an autoimmune disease may occur as a result of vitamin D deficiency.
7. Weight Gain

You may gain weight if you are not getting sufficient vitamin D intake.
It is a fat-soluble vitamin and people with obesity need to absorb it in higher amounts.
Reduced levels of this nutrient complicate the metabolism thus resulting in gaining of weight.
8. Chronic Muscular Pain

Living with chronic muscular pain is no joke. It hampers your emotional health, day-to-day tasks and slows down the energy level.
There are various possible factors responsible for the aching of neck, back, shoulder, or any parts of the body associated with muscles.
But one of the predominant factors could be a vitamin deficiency.
There are vitamin D receptors present in nerve cells that give you the sensation of pain.
If you struggle with all these severities, get a test done as soon as possible.
High dose of vitamin D supplement helps you to relieve this chronic pain.
9. Excessive Sweating

If you sweat a lot despite not doing any strenuous activity, the reason could be low vitamin absorption which makes you sweat, particularly on the forehead.
10. Intestinal Troubles

If you have difficulty with fat absorption, then it might affect your intestinal system.
This involves experiencing bloating, pain in the abdomen, passing watery stools, etc.
Therefore, it is essential to improve your vitamin D level if the following problems persist:
- Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Crohn’s Syndrome
- Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity
11. Trouble Sleeping

Inadequate vitamin D level directly hampers the quality of sleep.
12. Erectile Dysfunction

There are several reasons for erectile dysfunction like smoking, alcohol, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc. but vitamin D deficiency has also been the reason for it.
Erection requires sufficient blood circulation. So, if circulation is hindered, the penis might not receive the necessary blood flow.
13. Urinary Tract Infections

Many women deal with UTI caused by bacteria entering the vaginal tract.
Did you know that lack of vitamin D could be the reason?
UTI is not the only problem women face, severe PMS symptoms such as mood swings, food cravings, and breast tenderness also occur.
14. Pneumonia

A person with vitamin D deficiency is more prone to get lung infection due to weakened immunity.
15. Eczema

Less sunlight exposure causes Atopic Dermatitis – a type of Eczema which causes red and itchy skin.
16. Dental Health Issues

As mentioned earlier, an inadequate vitamin D level hinders calcium absorption, a significant mineral of teeth.
Low levels of calcium cause inflammation, redness, and gum bleeding.
If you find yourself spending time and money in a dentist’s clinic, focus on upgrading your vitamin D intake.
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