Weight loss Pills – Are they the Magic Pills?

Stephy Gandhi

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weight loss pills

Weight gain is the major issue of today’s population and losing weight means the reduction of total body fat.

To lose weight, people usually go to gyming, dieting, exercise etc. But sometimes people’s strong desire to slim down, lead them to a fast and magical solution which is weight loss pills, supplements etc.

Basically, these supplements are the product which are taken orally and a nutritional replacement that does not get proper nutrition from their daily meals.

If you are searching for weight loss supplements, there are no shortage of choices as there are various no.of pills, drugs and natural supplements are available in the market.

We think that these would work like a miracle and it is! But also one most important thing to be considered is numerous side effects are associated with these supplements.

In this article, here I am going to review weight loss pills and their effects.

Weight loss pills and Supplements How it works Side effects
Orlistat   Over the counter medicine, sold as named Xenical Prevent absorption of fat from the food in digestive system, thus fewer calories intake Headache, Diarrhoea, abdominal pain, pain in the rectum, irregular menstruation.
Mysimba   Recently approved drug in the European region and UK By reducing Cravings and appetite of food. Sickness, Muscle pain, Hypertension, Flushing, Disturbed Sleep patterns.
Caffeine   Well known substance for weight loss Work by boosting metabolism Nausea,vomiting,anxiety,insomnia,irritability
Hydroxycut   Most popular supplement Boosting metabolism Tremors,Diarrohea,anxiety,irritability
Green Coffee bean Extract   Contains caffeine and cholorogenic acid Caffeine speeds up the fat burning process Cholorogenic acid slows down breakdown carbohydrates in the gut Same as caffeine
Galactomannan   Fibre found in roots of elephant yam Absorbs water and makes gel which sits in gut and make you feel fuller, thus helps you to consume less calories Bloating,flatulemnce and soft stools
Green Tea Extract   Popular weight loss supplement Increases the activity of norepinephrine, helps in fat burning process Symptoms are well tolerated
Conjugated Linoleic acid   Popular weight loss supplement since many years Reduce appetite, boosts metabolism, stimulate the breakdown of fat Digestive problems, fatty liver, increased inflammation
Garcinia cambogia extract   Popular world wide Inhibit fat producing enzymes, increase levels of serotonin helps to reduce cravings Not reported any serious side effects, but mild digestive problems
Belviq   Generic Drug-Lorcaserin Control appetite by helping you to tale smaller meals Dry mouth,constipation,Headache,Tiredness,cough
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