stress management

7 Ways Unhealthy Gut Affects Your Body
Gut health – everyone is talking about it. How many of us know the Knitty-gritty of it, and how exactly ...

Avoid Obesity-induced Hypertension With 7 Measures To Lead A Healthy Lifestyle
Amruta Neje
Obesity is still a growing concern across the world, creeping slowly into many lives. Obesity is a health problem related ...

Practice Yoga For Stress Management
Julie Dattani
In today’s life, one out of the four people is going through stress. Not only considering this pandemic situation, but ...
16 Ways To Boost Immunity Against COVID-19
Subarna Ghosal
The immune systems are designed to fight off bacteria and viruses. But the immune system can get weakened by many ...

Is Your Stress Getting The Better Of You?
Raheen Sayyad
Did you know that our brain has five times more negative circuits than positive circuits causing the brain to always ...