Weight loss means to lose extra pounds from the body in terms of losing body fluid, body fat, etc. Nutrient-rich food and exercise are very much needed for physical fitness, live a healthy lifestyle, and mostly, fend off health-related issues such as diabetes, heart disease, etc.
But nothing can deter you from your weight loss goal with proper nutrition. Here are seven sweet foods for weight loss. These foods will help you shed extra weight and also satisfy your sweet tooth.
Sweet Foods And Weight Loss

If you want to make your body free of extra kilos, it is important to cut some carbs portion. Sweet food items have a terrible impact on our health. For a while, it boosts our energy and makes our tummy fuller but quickly leaves us famished and craving more.
These sweet items are loaded with refined sugar and unpronounceable chemicals, and it is the best way to put on some extra kgs. But it does not mean that all sweet treats mean to gain weight. Various types of natural sweeteners and healthy sweet dishes help to lose weight. Accomplish your target by eating these sweet foods for weight loss.
Sweet Foods For Weight Loss
1. Dark Chocolate

To satisfy sweet hunger, we frequently turn to chocolates containing more sugar and milk part. We can opt for dark chocolate for weight, a healthier alternative made up of raw cocoa beans rich source of flavanols.
The most crucial dark chocolate compound is the monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), which decrease food craving and prevent belly fat deposition. Dark chocolate also has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties linked with a healthier heart.
2. Greek Yogurt

Yogurt is another delightful and nutritious rich sweet treat as it is loaded with the great amount of calcium and protein. Calcium promotes healthy bones, and protein helps in weight loss by making tummy fuller and satisfying your hunger. We can have a plain yogurt after the meal or make tastier sweet treat/dish by adding chopped fruits, honey, and sprinkle cocoa powder.
3. Berries

Berries are sweet and flavorful, containing a high amount of fiber and less amount of sugar. So, it does not hurt when it comes to delight your sugar craving. Berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, etc., are also low in calories. They also have strong medicinal properties, such as antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, which reduce the risk factors for diabetes and heart problems.
4. Frozen Bananas

Bananas are high in filling fiber and potassium. When you freeze bananas, it tastes sweeter than at room temperature. Mainly, it helps with fat deposition. Also, it contains potassium that helps with sodium. If you are carrying water weight from excess sodium intake, then it helps to prevent bloating.
5. Toasted Chickpeas With Honey And Cinnamon

Chickpeas pack tons of protein and fiber. The protein from chickpeas is a potential energy source and helps make the tummy fuller, reducing appetite. Having bland chickpeas tastes very distasteful, so we can twist it by adding honey and cinnamon.
Cinnamon itself has weight loss benefits as it controls blood sugar. It has also been known to increase the metabolic rate. You can make this snack by popping the chickpeas in an oven at 204°C for 30-40 mins and then toss them in the cinnamon honey mixture.
6. Popcorn Dusted With Cinnamon Powder

Eating popcorn is an efficient, healthy snack for the body. Popcorn is a whole grain, but mixing it with other ingredients might raise some issues. We like to have popcorn with salt and butter, boosting more calorie intake. Popcorn itself is lower in calories and packed with weight-loss promoting fibers. But having plain popcorn is boring; so, making it flavourful with blood sugar-regulating cinnamon upgrades its straying power.
7. Chia Seed Pudding

Chia seeds are the tiny black seeds from the plant named Salvia hispanica. It contains a decent amount of protein and fiber, helping in weight loss as its soluble fiber absorbs more water and expands in the stomach. It increases the feeling of fullness and reduces food intake. They also contain healthy unsaturated fats that boost stamina.
Check seeds don’t have any taste but make it delicious by pudding with vanilla, coconut milk, and other goodies’ nutritional power. Following is the healthy, nutritious flavourful recipe.
Blend the walnut and pitted dates till it reaches the smooth texture. Mix in the carob, coconut water, and chia seeds. Make small balls and freeze them before serving.