Apple cider vinegar has been spoken for its effects on weight reduction, boosting metabolism, and cardioprotective effects. This article will discuss both sides of the argument and decode fact from the myth using research and scientific studies. Apple cider vinegar has a whole spectrum of benefits that we cannot overlook. What are they? Read along to know the benefits.
What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a vinegar made from the fermentation of apples. ACV is said to have amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and polyphenolic substances. Vinegar itself is said to have the ability to decrease postprandial blood glucose levels in healthy and diabetic humans.
Studies And Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar
1. On Rats

A study conducted on healthy and diabetic rats using apple cider vinegar for a month revealed no change in blood sugar levels in either group. However, upon treatment, the total cholesterol, and LDL levels in healthy rats were reduced, as well as in diabetic rats. Now, rats and humans are entirely different species with different genetic patterns. Hence, one cannot superimpose these results on humans.
2. On HbA1c

Ostman et al., 2005 and Sigimani et al., 2003 stated that the effects of acetic acid (the main component of ACV) could help decrease the glycemic index of food. It causes a reduction of HbA1c in diabetic individuals. There are also studies stating that upon consumption, the HbA1c of diabetic people doesn’t improve, concluding that the effects of vinegar to enhance blood glucose profile is low.
3. On GER

Other studies on humans included subjecting ten individuals to diluted ACV to measure their Gastric Emptying Rate (GER). GER helps delayed in patients with diabetic gastroparesis. Upon consumption of ACV, this study saw a further delay in the GER. It could lead to hypoglycaemic episodes, which can be fatal. Although this study was performed on ten subjects, one should not disregard the possibility of hypoglycemia when consuming ACV.
4. On Lipid Profile

There have been studies that explore the positive effects of consumption of ACV. In hyperlipidemic patients who aren’t of lipid-lowering drugs, eight weeks of administering ACV significantly reduced the TC, LDL, and TG levels. It could be because of the acetic acid lowering the fatty acid oxidation and inhibiting the lipogenesis in the liver. Due to this, TG and cholesterol decreased in the body.
Excess Consumption Of Apple Cider Consumption

A study reported that individuals who consume excess amounts of ACV are prone to hyperkalemia (high potassium), hyperreninemia (high rennin presence and activity), and osteoporosis. The debilitating effects of consuming ACV in large amounts are pronounced in other papers. All articles and media bulletins should write a cautionary note that advertises prophylactic claims of ACV for all diseases.
Products Of ACV In The Market
While screening the ACV products available in the market, it was reported that there was a variation between the tablet size, pH level, acid component, and the claims made. A study hypothesized if the marketed product was indeed ACV or not. That study concluded the variation in the labeling and the dosage of the different products of ACV available in the market could question the quality of the product being sold.
Is ACV For You?

Each of these studies, which spell benefits of ACV, has been conducted on different populations with different genetic profiles. The ACV given was of different concentrations and forms in each and the period was varied. Hence, one cannot provide a conclusive statement on the right dosage of ACV.
ACV does have benefits for the lipid parameters of individuals, but prophylactic usage of ACV has proved to be of less use. It should be reiterated that no particular food can achieve weight loss if principles of achieving calorie restriction aren’t followed. Even if ACV has been described to improve lipid parameters, it doesn’t mean the consumption of excessively oily food and reduction of exercise can be permitted.