15 Major Side Effects Of Keto Diet


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major side effects of keto diet:

What is the keto diet?

Keto is a low-carb, high-fat diet with numerous health benefits. Indeed, numerous studies demonstrate that this type of diet can assist you in losing weight and improving your health.

Ketogenic diets may also help with diabetes, cancer, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease.

15 Major Side Effects Of Keto Diet

1. Can result in the keto flu 

Carbohydrate consumption on the keto diet is often limited to <50 grams per day, which can be shocking to your body.

You may suffer flu-like symptoms when your body depletes its carb reserves and transitions to utilize ketones and fat for fuel during the outset of this eating pattern.

2. May cause kidney strain

According to several research, the keto diet lowers the quantity of citrate produced in your urine. Citrate may bind to calcium and prevent the production of kidney stones; therefore, low levels may increase your chance of developing them.

3. Changes in gut microbes and digestive difficulties may occur

Because the keto diet limits carbohydrates, it might be challenging to achieve your daily fiber requirements.

Some of the highest-fiber sources, such as high-carb fruits, whole grains, starchy vegetables, and beans, are removed from the diet because they contain too many carbohydrates.

As a result, the keto diet may cause intestinal upset and constipation.

4. Can result in nutrient deficiencies

Because the keto diet limits certain items, particularly nutrient-dense fruits, legumes, and whole grains, it may fail to deliver enough levels of vitamins and minerals.

According to research, the keto diet does not supply adequate calcium, vitamin D, magnesium, and phosphorus.

5. May result in extremely low blood sugar levels

Low-carb diets, such as keto, have been demonstrated to assist diabetics in regulating their blood sugar levels.

Some research suggests that keto may help lower hemoglobin A1c levels, a marker of average blood sugar levels.

In theory, this may also happen to people with type 2 diabetes who are on insulin.

6. Can harm bone health

The diet has also been linked to poor bone health.

Several animal studies have linked the keto diet to lower bone strength, most likely owing to bone mineral density decreases that occur when your body adjusts to ketosis.

7. May raise your chances of developing chronic conditions and dying young

The effect of the ketogenic diet on your risk of chronic illness, like heart disease or cancer, is passionately discussed and little understood.

Low carbohydrate diets focused on vegetables, on the other hand, were linked to a decreased incidence of mortality from heart disease and all causes.

8. Ketoacidosis 

A few cases of ketoacidosis (a dangerous illness that happens in diabetes if it is not adequately treated) have been documented in nursing mothers, which was most likely caused by an extremely low-carb diet. This is, however, unusual.

9. Kidney stones 

When rare, some children with epilepsy have acquired kidney stones while following a ketogenic diet. While on the diet, experts urge that kidney function be monitored on a regular basis.

10. Raised cholesterol levels 

Fatty liver causes a rise in total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels in certain persons. This might happen if you stick to the diet for a long period.

11. Hypoglycemia 

If you take drugs to control your blood sugar levels, consult with your doctor before beginning the diet since the amount may need to be adjusted.

Some of the negative consequences, such as dehydration and low blood sugar, might result in trips to the emergency department.

12. Leg muscles may cramp

In ketosis, some people may experience leg cramps. These can be painful, and they can be a sign that you need to have more water.

Leg cramps in ketosis usually stem from dehydration and loss of minerals. This is because ketosis causes a reduction in water weight.

13. Ketosis may cause digestive problems

Changes in diet can occasionally cause stomach problems. This is also true with ketogenic diets, with constipation being a typical side effect at first.

This is most usually caused by a lack of fiber and a lack of water. Some people may also have diarrhea; however, this is less common.

14. Elevated heart rate 

As a consequence of ketosis, some persons report elevated heart rates. This is also referred to as heart palpitations or racing heart. It is possible to experience this during the first few weeks of a ketogenic diet.

Dehydration, as well as a lack of salt, are major causes. Drinking a lot of coffee may also help with this. If the condition persists, you may need to increase your carbohydrate consumption.

15. Bad breath is also common

One of the more prevalent ketosis side effects is foul breath, which is generally characterized as fruity and slightly sweet.

Acetone, a ketone produced as a consequence of fat metabolism, is to blame. During ketosis, blood acetone levels rise, and your body expels part of it through your breath.


While the keto diet has been associated with weight reduction and other health advantages in the short term, it has also been connected to vitamin shortages, digestive disorders, poor bone health, and other concerns in the long run.

Individuals with renal illness, diabetes, heart or bone disorders, or other medical concerns should consult with their healthcare professional before attempting the keto diet due to these dangers.

You should also visit a nutritionist to design balanced meals and check your nutrient levels while on this diet to reduce the risk of problems and nutritional deficits.

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