Mirror mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all…?? Remember this quote from the story of “Snow White”. The queen was so concerned about her looks! There would hardly be any human being on this planet who is not concerned about his/her looks… Everyone wants to look nice and beautiful, almost all the time. So, what all efforts do we take for getting an outstanding look?? Wear better clothes (fashion updated), try to apply makeup, get nice accessories, do Yoga or certain exercises, etc…and… also work on “DIET ”or nutrition.
“ Our bodies are our gardens and our wills are the gardeners” This saying is really applicable to all of us.
For enhancing our beauty and appearance choosing a healthy diet is the most effective and permanent option. Of course, we may not see the results as quickly as that after applying “makeup”. But we must aim to adopt a healthy diet and lifestyle for a long-term effect.
5 Nutrition Hacks Reduces The Efforts Of a Beautician
1. Getting a healthy weight and BMI (body mass index.)

For an Asian population, BMI should be within 18.5– 24.9 for a healthy appearance. So here we need to consider height, and current weight. Calculate your BMI, using the formula:-
Based on your BMI, you can go for weight loss or weight gain with dietary modifications. This is a simple tip for a better appearance.
2. Taking sufficient intake of “WATER”.
All of us are aware of the crucial role that water plays in the “detoxification” process and its cleansing effect. For getting healthy skin and reducing hair fall we must try to have a total fluid intake between- 2.5 to 3 liters per day.
If you are not happy drinking just water, then you can try having other fluid options like lime water, coconut water, buttermilk, soups, and fruit juices.

3. Including an adequate amount of proteins in our diet.
Proteins play an important role in tissue repair. So, both plant sources (pulses and legumes, soybean) & animal sources (milk and milk products, egg, chicken, fish) are equally important. We must make sure that our every meal contains at least 1 source of protein daily.

4. Including healthy fats – omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids-
Healthy fats are mainly rich sources of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, namely walnuts, flaxseeds, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, cold water fish like salmon, tuna; olive oil, palm oil, coconut oil etc. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are very important for the proper functioning of the skin.

5. Antioxidants

The most important part of our diet is including rich sources of Vitamin A, C, and E which have antioxidant properties. The main sources for these vitamins are vegetables like carrots, pepper bells, tomatoes, green leafy vegetables, red pumpkin, red cabbage, broccoli, etc. Some fruits like oranges, sweet lime, avocados, all types of berries, pomegranate, pineapple, etc. are also good sources.
Antioxidants not only have anti-aging properties but also have protective and preventive effects against cancer and cardiac disorders. So, eating a minimum of 2-3 servings of fruits and vegetables is necessary.
In this way, small changes can enhance your beauty, make your skin glow, reduce hair fall, improve your health and appearance, and also protect you from diseases in further life!