First and the most important thing is to get yourself motivated and for that, you need a powerful as well as a personal reason to quit. Although there are many effective ways to get rid of the smoking habit, it is actually very difficult. So what will motivate you to stop doing it? The reason may be to protect your family from passive smoke or lower your chance of getting lung cancer and other ailments.
It is stated according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC)Trusted Source, around 17 of every 100 adults in the United States smoke cigarettes. But you need to select a reason that is strong enough to outweigh the urge to light up. But in the year 2010, Seven out of 10 smokers told the CDC Trusted Source that they wanted to quit smoking habit.
Ways To Get Rid Of Smoking
1. Nicotine Replacement Therapy
This therapy includes:
- Prescription nicotine in a nasal spray.
- Prescription non-nicotine stop-smoking medications.
- Over-the-counter nicotine patches, gum, etc
- Do you know that there are certain Short-acting nicotine replacement therapies — such as nicotine gum, lozenges, inhalers which may help you overcome the intense cravings? But yes do remember to consult your Doctor /physician before even you think of starting anything.
- It is said that short-acting therapies are safe to use in combination with long-acting nicotine patches or one of the non-nicotine medications.

2. Electronic Cigarettes
- Even electronic cigarettes are proved recently as an alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes.
- But more researches are still needed to determine the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes for smoking cessation
- And also the long-term safety of these devices.

3. Physical Activity
- Physical activity seems to be very useful as it can help distract you from tobacco cravings and reduce their intensity.
- Even running up and down the stairs a few times can make a tobacco craving go away or you can try to go out for a walk or jog.

4. Relaxation Techniques
- Smoking may have been your way to deal with anxiety, stress. Even resisting a tobacco craving can itself be very stressful.
- But you can reduce the stress by other techniques too like practicing relaxation techniques like deep-breathing exercises, muscle relaxation, yoga, visualization, massage or listening to calming music.

Is beating the Smoking craving that difficult?
- Trying to beat the craving is always better than doing nothing. And you know that each time you resist a tobacco craving, you’re a step closer to being totally tobacco-free.
- It is true that Tobacco cravings are strongest in the situations where you have smoked most often as in parties or bars, or while feeling stressed. But it is very important that you start identifying the situations and have a plan in place to avoid them entirely.
- You can start by giving your mouth something like sugarless gum or hard candy.
- Even you can munch on raw carrots, celery, nuts or sunflower seeds to do to fight a tobacco craving.
- You might get the urge to have just one cigarette to satisfy your tobacco craving. But more often than not, having just one leads to another and you may end up using tobacco again.
Natural Remedies To Treat Smoking
1. Ginseng
It is suggested by some studies that Ginseng has been shown to prevent the nicotine-induced release of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine makes people feel good after smoking and is part of the addiction process.

Acupuncture to Quit Smoking?
In this case, extremely thin needles are inserted into particular points on the body to stimulate energy flow to certain areas. The technique is painless. Acupuncture is used to treat a variety of health and medical conditions, and some studies Trusted Sources how that it can help people quit smoking. But still more researches are required and it should be done under the supervision of a qualified medical professional.

2. Green Tea
- Eastern approaches to smoking cessation include herbal supplements. These are taken to reduce cravings and withdrawal symptoms like emotional unrest and irritability?
- One of the most common herbal remedies used to control smoking cravings is green tea during the detoxification period.
- Green tea keeps the system flooded with elements that are thought to diminish the smoking urges.

But the improper use of herbal supplements can be harmful to your health, it is recommended that you consult with a physician or medical consultant before taking supplements.
Lifestyle Modifications To Quit Smoking
- Drink plenty of water every day.
- Identify environmental triggers that induce cravings, for example, drinking alcohol, arguing with your spouse, or going to a party.
- Avoid sugary and caffeinated beverages since both can increase blood acidity and elevate withdrawal symptoms.
- Take plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.
- Exercise for 30mins, 5days a week to reduce stress and promote relaxation.
- Practice deep breathing or meditation techniques.
- Get a good amount of sleep every night.
- Getting enough sleep enables you to better combat the stressful and often unavoidable situations that trigger cravings.
Is Quitting Smoking Difficult To Do?
Withdrawal Symptoms
We know the health risks of smoking, but that doesn’t make it any easier to get rid of the habit. Smoking tobacco is both a physical addiction as well as a psychological habit. The nicotine from cigarettes provides a temporary—and addictive—high. Eliminating that causes your body to experience physical withdrawal symptoms and cravings.

Actually the Nicotine’s “feel-good factor ” effect on the brain, may turn the cigarettes as a quick and reliable way to boost your outlook, relieve stress. Quitting stands for finding another, healthier ways to cope with those feelings. With the right support and plan, any smoker can kick the addiction.
Personal stop smoking plan:
1. Questions you should ask yourself
- Always take the time to think of what kind of smoker you are and which moments of your life call for a cigarette and the big question is Why? This will identify the tips, techniques or therapies that are beneficial for you.
- Let’s start with another question like are you a very heavy smoker (is it more than a pack a day)? Or are you more of a social smoker?
- Do you smoke cigarettes when you’re feeling stressed or down? Is your cigarette smoking linked to some other addictions?
- Are there certain activities, places you associate with smoking? Do you feel the need to smoke after every meal etc?
2. STOP smoking plan with START
- S = Set a quit date.
- T = Tell your family, friends, that you plan to quit.
- A = Anticipate and plan for the obstacles you’ll face while quitting.
- R = Remove all cigarettes from your home, car, and work.
- T = Consult your doctor or physician about getting his help to quit.
3)Always Identify your smoking triggers: One of the best things you can do to help yourself quit is to identify the things that make you want to smoke, including specific situations, activities, feelings, and people and start avoiding slowly
4)SMOKERS SMOKE to relieve unpleasant feelings? IS IT TRUE? Smokers feel smoking is the way to manage unpleasant feelings such as stress, depression, loneliness, and anxiety but it’s important to remember that there are healthier ways to keep unpleasant feelings under control. Which include exercising, meditating, relaxation strategies, or simple breathing exercises.
Tips for avoiding common SMOKING triggers
- Many people smoke when they drink.
- Start with switching to non-alcoholic drinks or drink only in places where smoking inside is prohibited.
- When friends, family, and co-workers smoke around you, it can be doubly difficult to give up or avoid relapse.
- You need to tell about the decision to quit so people must know.
- In your workplace find non-smoker partners to have your breaks with or find other things to do, such as taking a walk.
- For some smokers, ending a meal means lighting up a cigar.
- But you can try replacing that moment after a meal with a piece of fruit, a healthy dessert, a square of chocolate.
Coping with nicotine withdrawal symptoms
But the problem is that, once you stop smoking, you’ll likely experience a number of physical symptoms as your body withdraws from nicotine. Withdrawal symptoms can last for a few days to weeks and differ from person to person.
Common nicotine withdrawal symptoms include:
- Insomnia or lack of sleep
- Tremors
- Increased coughing
- Fatigue
- Constipation or upset stomach
- Depression
- Cigarette cravings
- Irritability, frustration, or anger
- Anxiety or nervousness
- Difficulty concentrating
- Restlessness
- Increased appetite
- Headaches
- Decreased heart rate
It’s important to remember that they are only temporary. And it will get better in a few weeks as the toxins are flushed from your body.
Manage Cigarette Cravings
- Avoiding the trigger to smoke will help reduce your urge to smoke, you probably can’t avoid cigarette cravings entirely. But you need to do it slowly
- But fortunately, cravings don’t last long—typically, about 5 or 10 minutes
- You can start by Distracting yourself to some other activities
- Getting out of a tempting situation.
- Remind yourself why you quit. You need to remember the reason for your quitting
- Reward yourself at the end by watching a good movie or getting a good spa or even treat yourself to your favorite food choices.
A sweet note of the request
Don’t give up, please. Keep on Trying. Because you can save the life of yours and others too.