Way back in 1552 BC, an Egyptian doctor called Hesy-Ra had identified the worlds first case of Diabetes. Ever since the number of people detected wit hdiabetes has been on constant rise and so has been its complicatins. Initially, it was known to cause severe weight loss then, there were cases identified with raised cholesterol levels (hypercholestreamia), later eye complications (retinopathies) were seen, and still later there were incidents of kidney problems (nephropathies) and nerve damage(neuropathies).
Over a period of time in the last 5 years, there has been an enormous advancement and development of medical science, investigative techniques and thus newer problems related to diabetes have started surfacing.

Some of these newer complications of diabetes are-
Complications | What Diabetes does | Warning Signs | Prevention/Treatment |
Oral Problems(Mouth, Gums and Teeth) | Diabetic Vasculopathy | Easy bleeding of gums on brushing or flossing, Gums become swollen, tender and red, Gums that are receding from your teeth. Pus between teeth and gums, Bad breath, Adult teeth that have become loose or are moving away from each other, Changes in the way teeth fit when you bite, Changes in the fit of partial dentures or bridges | Brush with a soft bristles brushFloss regularlyVisit your dentist regularly |
Oral Infections | Weakening the mouth’s power to fight infectionsDiabetes may be a cause fordamage to the blood vessels supplying the gums. | Development of Inflammation (Swelling) or purulent discharge (pus) around teeth or gums or any other place in the mouth. Constant and persistent pain in the mouth or sinus area Development of patches (white or red) on gums, tongue, cheeks or the roof of the mouth Pain when chewing Teeth become sensitive to eating cold, hot or sweet foods on chewing Dark spots or holes on teeth | Visit your doctor to control your blood sugar levels |
Fungal infections | Body becomes more prone to infections and tus higher frequncy of anti biotic consumption | Thrush- these are moist spots that may be chafed or sore. | Stopping smoking Limiting the time of wearing dentures. |
Dry mouth | Due to raised blood sugar levels or diabetic medications | Increased chances of cavities Increases acidity in mouth | Drink more fluids Chew sugar free gum |
Women’s Health | Decreased vaginal lubrication frequent bouts of vaginitis and yeast infections risk of infection with IUDs | ||
Vaginal infections | Increased glucose in vaginal secretions | Itching and burning in Vagina vulvaDischarge from vagina | Visit your doctor May need pessaries and creams as per advise |
Contraception | Increases risk of malformations in children | Blood sugar levels consistently high | Choose a safe and effective contraception Plan your pregnancy |
Men’s Health | Diabetic NeuropathyStress, fear, anxiety Diabetic Vasculopathy | Impotence– Physical impotence due to nerve damage or side effect of medicationsPsychological impotence- Due to performance anxiety | Talk to your doctor Manage medications Get psychological help Maintain blood sugar levels |
Thyroid | Increased risk of hypo and hyper-thyroidism in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes | Hypothyroidism– Fatigue, Hair loss, Weight gain, Constipation, Listlessness and depression, Memory loss and mentally slow with dullness, stiffness and aches in Muscles and joints, raised cholesterol levels, Feeling very cold (more so compared to others), changes in voice eg Husky voice, Dry skin, Heavy periods (in women) Hyperthyroidism– Sudden loss of weight, stomach upset(diaarhoea/ loose motions), Feeling excessively hot , A pounding heart, Tremor of the hands, Hair loss, Feeling of nervousness and irritability, Insomnia or restlessness, decreased periods in women | Manage your blood sugar levels Maintain healthy weight Pursue regular physical exercises |
Infections | Diabetes increases the amount of sugar in the urine and thus provides an excellent media for bacterial and fungal growth | Diabetes increases the chances of bladder and kidney infections, infections of feet and skin infections | |
Bladder and Kidney Infection (Cystitis, Pyelitis, Pyelonephritis) | Increases sugar in urineDiabetic Neuropathy | Urinary retention Smelly, offensive urine Itching and burning while urination Frequent urination Passage of small amounts of urine Backache in case of kidney infection | Regular check ups Maintaining blood sugar levels |
Foot infections | Diabetic Neuropathy | Sores or bruises on feet Painless wounds on feet Frequent bleeding from feet | Maintain blood sugar levels Maintain blood pressure levels |
Skin infections | Increased incidence of bacterial infections | Frequent styles, boils, carbuncles | Maintain healthy blood glucose, blood pressure and blood cholesterol (lipids) levels. |
Gastroparesis | Damage to Vagus nerve | Delayed gastric emptying Heartburn, Nausea, Vomiting of undigested food Early feeling of fullness when eating Abdominal bloating Erratic blood glucose levels Lack of appetite Acid reflux Spasms of the stomach wall Erratic bowel movements | Eating six small meals a day Food must be chewed well carbonated drinks must be avoided with meals. Avoid lying down upto 2 hr after a meal- try to walk, stroll or sit up Split meals into smaller and frequent intervals Avoid eating large portions of food at a time Certain medications Insulin regimen |