30 Strategies to Boost Heart Health


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Boost Heart Health

Your heart is the pump that delivers oxygen and nourishment to all of your body’s tissues. Maintaining it in good shape is essential for living a healthy life. Following these everyday recommendations might help keep your ticker humming.

30 Strategies to Boost Heart Health

1. Reduce your daily salt consumption

According to a tiny 2017 study Trusted Source, too much salt increases water retention. When this happens, your heart needs to work harder to push the extra fluid through your body. Select “no salt added” meals, avoid foods with more than 400 milligrams of sodium per serving, and try to stay under 1500 mg overall per day. Replace salt in your cuisine with herbs and spices wherever possible. The Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) diet can also help you minimize salt and protect your heart.

2. Reduce your consumption of saturated fat

Saturated fat can cause atherosclerosis, which is the buildup of hard plaque in your arteries. Choose low-fat cuts of meat, such as eye of round roast or sirloin tip, and avoid high-fat dairy items to reduce your consumption. In general, if it’s oily, it’s often heavy in saturated fats.

3. Choose heart-healthy fats

Unsaturated fats can help your heart by reducing inflammation in your body. Heart disease can be caused by inflammation. Vegetable oil, low-fat mayonnaise, and oil-based salad dressings are examples of heart-healthy fats. A Mediterranean diet can be a delightful way to include healthy fats in your diet and decrease your cholesterol.

4. Increase your fiber consumption

Fiber makes you feel fuller and can help decrease your cholesterol. Moreover, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services According to Trusted Source, rich fiber diets such as beans, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are typically healthier.

5. Consume plenty of fruits and veggies

Fruits and vegetables are high in nutrients and low in calories, which can help you maintain a healthy weight and prevent inflammation. The more vibrant and fresh your options, the better.

6. Consume low-fat dairy products

Low-fat dairy products are ideal substitutes for high-fat ones. Skim milk, low-fat yogurt, soy milk, and fat-free cheeses are a few examples.

7. Obtain plenty of exercise each week

You may choose between moderate and intense action to gain your workout. The American Heart Association (AHA) advises at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week or 75 minutes of strenuous activity per week. Mixing both is also acceptable.

8. Don’t forget about resistance exercise

Lifting weights or utilizing resistance bands can help you grow strong muscles, which can boost your metabolism. This aids in the maintenance of a healthy weight and blood pressure.

9. Spend less time sitting down

Standing, walking, and moving in general might be better for your heart than sitting all day. Use a standing desk if practical, or make an effort to take walk breaks throughout the day. Physical inactivity, according to the AHA Trusted Source, is associated with an increased risk of heart disease and premature mortality. Continue to move!

10. Do not smoke

Smoking might have a negative impact on your heart health. If you smoke, this is an excellent time to try to quit. If you need assistance, dial 1-800-QUIT-NOW to reach a 24-hour quitline with smoking cessation tools.

11. Avoid passive smoking

Secondhand smoking also has a negative impact on your heart health. If you have a smoker in your home, ask them to smoke outdoors. Or, even better, encourage them to quit.

12. Limit your alcohol consumption

Excessive alcohol use might raise your risk of heart disease. Moderation is essential. Most individuals should limit their alcohol consumption to no more than two drinks per day, according to the Department of Health and Human Services.

13. Keep a healthy weight

Maintaining a healthy weight does not place undue strain on your heart. Discuss with your doctor what a healthy weight is for you based on your age, height, and frame.

14. Take charge of your chronic health concerns

Seeing a doctor once a year (or more frequently, depending on your health) might assist you in taking a preventative approach to treatment. If you have illnesses that are known to have an impact on heart health, such as chronic renal disease or diabetes, make an effort to treat them in order to enhance your overall health. Receiving therapy early and sticking to your treatment plan can significantly enhance your chances.

15. Every day, make time to unwind

Taking time to relax, even if just for a few minutes, may be good to your overall health. If stress is a regular aspect of your life, you are at a higher risk. Reliable source for hypertension, obesity, and heart disease.

16. Contact a friend or loved one

When you are anxious, reaching out to loved ones can help you get the aid you need. Expressing your feelings and fears might be challenging, but someone who cares about you will lend a sympathetic ear. Furthermore, they will most likely appreciate the opportunity to learn how they may better assist you.

17. Develop stress-reduction tactics

In all likelihood, you may encounter difficult situations from time to time. Have a plan for staying calm in these situations. Deep breathing, repeating a tranquil phrase, or prioritizing the work at hand are all examples of relaxation techniques. You can cope with unpleasant circumstances better if you prepare for them.

18. Manage Weight Gain While Quitting Smoking

Utilize smoking cessation drugs such as nicotine patches or varenicline (Chantix). These methods might help you avoid gaining weight when quitting smoking.

19. Seek Emotional Support While Quitting Smoking

While you strive to quit smoking and get healthy, seek emotional help from a counselor or a trusted friend. Getting psychological support might assist you in maintaining your weight.

20. Get Fit and Stay Healthy

Workout on a daily basis to assist maintain a healthy physique and a healthy weight. You may discover that you can push yourself harder physically after stopping smoking since you cough less.

21. Prioritize Prenatal Checkups for Heart Health

Attend all of your prenatal checkups. Your doctor can keep an eye on you for signs of potential issues like high blood pressure or diabetes. Medication treatment for certain conditions can help you maintain your heart health.

22. Stay Active during pregnancy

Keep active during your pregnancy if your doctor thinks it’s safe. Keeping active will help you maintain a healthy physique and decrease stress throughout your pregnancy.

23. Focus on healthy eating practices During Pregnancy

Throughout pregnancy, avoid high-fat and sugary meals. These practices put you at danger like Preterm delivery according to a reliable source.

24. go for dash diet

Stick to a heart-healthy diet like the DASH diet. A look ahead to 2021 This diet has been linked to lower blood pressure during pregnancy, according to a reliable source.

25. Quit Smoking During Pregnancy

If you smoke, you should stop.

Smoking is one of the most significant modifiable risk factors for pregnant women and heart health.

26. Follow Your Doctor’s Prescription Plan Carefully

Every day, take your prescriptions as directed by your doctor. Discuss with your doctor the potential side effects and when you should contact your doctor if you have any concerns.

27. Engage in Cardiac Rehabilitation

Take part in cardiac rehabilitation. Following a heart attack, many hospitals and healthcare facilities will provide cardiac rehabilitation. This method allows you to workout while wearing a monitor. The monitor ensures that your heart rate is not too high when exercising.

28. Track Your Health with a Checkup

Schedule an appointment with your primary care physician for a checkup. They can test you for other medical issues that could influence your heart health, such as diabetes, during the visit. Evaluating your overall health and making lifestyle changes can reduce your risk of future heart attacks.

29. Incorporate Exergaming into Your Heart Health Routine

Try “exergaming” based on a recent study from 2019. It’s like playing video games that get you moving. Playing bowling or golf on a Nintendo Wii, for example, can be a fun way to exercise, especially for people who can’t move around much.

30. Pedal Your Way to a Stronger Heart

For either the arms or the legs, use a stationary cycling machine. Even people with limited mobility can benefit from using these workout devices to improve their heart health.


Most heart health initiatives focus on your entire well-being. Lowering stress, eating a heart-healthy diet, and exercising are all part of it. If you’re not sure where to start, consult your doctor about strategies to enhance your heart health safely.

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