7 Reasons Why Drinking Cold Water Is Bad for the Body


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drinking ice-cold water

Hydration is key to a well-functioning body and mind. Each organ system of our body needs water to work efficiently. Drinking water regularly not only energizes you, but also provides benefits like cleansing, nutrient absorption, improved concentration and sleep quality.

There is no doubt that you should always stay hydrated, but the temperature of the water plays a major role here. A glass of chilled, ice-cold water looks tempting and is refreshing to consume; however, it could be harming your body in ways you wouldn’t have anticipated.

7 Reasons Why Drinking Cold Water Is Bad for the Body

1. Messes Up with the Normal Temperature of the Body

Reasons Why Drinking Ice-Cold Water is Detrimental to your Health
Source: sciprogress

The temperature of the human body is 37°C, whereas chilled water from the fridge or with ice cubes has a temperature of less than 10°C. When you drink cold water, your body exerts itself to maintain the normal temperature which leads to a disturbance in the functioning of the organs.

2. Decrease in Heart Rate

Reasons Why Drinking Ice-Cold Water is Detrimental to Health
Source: justrunlah

Drinking cold water activates the vagus nerve which results in a decrease in heart rate. The activation of the vagus nerve is necessary for a resting heart rate, but an extreme reduction can cause low blood pressure and fainting.

3. Headache

Reasons Why Drinking Ice-Cold Water is Detrimental to Health
Source: regionalneurological

Drinking ice-cold water too fast can result in a headache or “brain freeze.” When the cold water touches the roof of your mouth (palate), the blood vessels constrict or narrow rapidly which causes the headache.

4. Causes Constipation

Reasons Why Drinking Ice-Cold Water is Detrimental to Your Health
Source: parkviewhealth

It can cause constipation because the food will take a long time to break down, thus altering the process of digestion.

5. Sore Throat

Reasons Why Drinking Ice-Cold Water is Detrimental to Your Health
Source: vicks

Regular ingestion of cold water constricts the blood vessels (vasoconstriction) in the throat. It makes you susceptible to sore throat and cold.

6. Shock the Internal Organs

Reasons Why Drinking Ice-Cold Water Could Be Detrimental to Your Health
Source: snopes

When you drink cold water immediately after returning from outdoors or from a workout, it can shock the digestive organs due to the extreme cold temperature and a large quantity of water being gulped down. This causes breathing issues, chest or abdominal pain.

7. Delays Hydration

Reasons Why Drinking Ice-Cold Water Could Be Detrimental to Your Health
Source: askthescientists

It slows down the process of hydration because the body needs to bring the temperature of cold water to a normal rate.

The Bottom Line

Although drinking cold water seems like a good option during a hot day or after a workout, it can cause momentary or long-term health issues. We looked into the risks of drinking ice-cold water from the refrigerator, but there is an alternative – the traditional matka is the best because it cools the water naturally through the process of evaporation.

Reasons Why Drinking Ice-Cold Water Could Be Detrimental to Your Health
Source: babycenter

Drinking water from an earthenware pot is soothing for the throat and has numerous benefits for our body.

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