To lose weight and boost the metabolism, regular intake of detox drinks work wonders. Hence, to aid you, we brought easy and delicious detox drink recipes that you will love to have. Detox drinks work as an incredible laxative agent and help indigestion. It cleanses your body through the consumption of fruits and vegetables or the herbal teas. Detox drinks remove the toxins from the body.
Nowadays, detox drinks are in trend. They provide you with healthy alternatives that promote a healthy lifestyle. So let’s not wait for any more time and look at the list of detox drink recipes that are easy to make.
Detox Drink Recipes That You Can Make At Home
1. Green Tea With Lemon

Green tea has catechins that exhibit anti-adiposity effects. Lemon works significantly in losing weight. Lemon helps in removing the toxins, and green tea help to increase the metabolism of your body. Vitamin C present in the lemons increases the catechin levels. It acts as a perfect cleansing agent.
- 1 green tea bag
- ¼ lemon
- water
- Boil the water.
- Put the green tea in the boiled water. Make sure you don’t boil the green tea.
- Now add the ¼ lemon in the tea.
- Have it when the tea is still hot.
2. Honey, Lemon, And Ginger

Honey is good for weight loss and reducing obesity. It helps in the detoxification process by flushing out undigested food and other toxins. Lemon and ginger also help in the process. They are also healthy as they help to boost your immunity.
- ½ lemon
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- ½ inch of ginger
- 1 glass of warm water
- Heat one glass of water. The water should be warm and don’t boil it.
- Crush the ginger in mortar and pestle; you will have the juice of ginger.
- Add ½ lemon, one tablespoon of honey, and crush ginger to the warm glass of water.
- Strain the water in a clean glass.
- Drink it while the water is still warm.
3. Lemon And Cucumber Detox Drink

This detox drink will increase your hydration levels in the body. Cucumbers have 90% plus of high water content. It is also a low-calorie food, which helps in weight loss. This drink is very good at cleansing and boosts metabolism. You can add mint leaves to increase its flavor.
- 1 lemon
- 1 cucumber
- mint leaves
- a pinch of salt
- water
- Cut the lemon into wedges and slice out the cucumber.
- Place them into the jar or glass.
- Add some mint leaves and pinch of salt to your taste.
- Now add the water into the jar.
- You can drink this drink throughout the day.
4. Pineapple Lemonade

Pineapples have the potential to reduce weight and obesity. Pineapple juice induces the upregulation of fatty acid oxidation by molecular gene regulation. As mentioned before, lemon cleanses the body and also reduces the weight.
- 1 cup of pineapple chopped
- 1 lemon
- 1 teaspoon maple syrup
- ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper
- pinch of salt
- Blend the chopped pineapple in the blender.
- Pour that pineapple juice in the glass.
- Add 1whole lemon juice in it.
- Then add maple syrup and cayenne pepper.
- You can also add salt according to your taste. Stir well and have it.
5. Carrot And Orange Juice

Carrots have rich beta-carotene and fiber. Because of high fiber content, it reduces food intake by satiating your hunger, which reduces the weight. Oranges have high vitamin C content that oxidizes 30% of the fat. Also, both are wonderful for eye sights.
- 1 orange
- 1 carrot
- 1 tablespoon of honey
- coriander leaves
- ice
- water
- Peel the orange and cut the carrot in small pieces.
- Blend them in the mixer.
- Add a tablespoon of honey and some coriander leaves in the blender.
- Add little water and give it a spin.
- Pour the juice in the glass and add some ice if you need to.
6. Beetroot And Mint Juice

Beetroot is a low calorie and high fiber that helps to reduce your hunger. Beetroot is also useful in increasing the hemoglobin count. Also, it is an excellent cleanser for the liver. Mint leaves have a cooling effect. Drink the juice without straining for weight loss.
- 1 beetroot
- a handful of mint leaves
- pinch of salt
- Cut the beetroot into small pieces. Put them into the blender.
- Add some mint leaves and pinch of salt.
- Blend them. And drink it fresh.
7. Strawberry And Cinnamon Detox

Strawberries contain ellagic acid, a bioactive polyphenol that helps to manage and reduce obesity. This tasty detox drink also promotes weight loss. Vitamin C in strawberries helps to remove harmful substances in the body, benefiting the immune system too. Mint leaves are for refreshing you.
- 8 – 10 strawberries
- cinnamon powder
- mint leaves
- 1 liter of water
- Chop the strawberries into half and put them into the mixer jar.
- Add some mint leaves and add cinnamon powder according to your taste.
- Blend them into juice.
- Add the juice into 1-liter of water in a jar.
- Keep the drink in the fridge overnight. Drink it cold that will rejuvenate your body.
8. Fruits And Carrot Juice

Fruits like berries, apple, pears, raisins, grapes, carrots are good sources of vitamins, fibers, and minerals. There are wonderful benefits of eating fruits daily and this detox drink just provides you with it. It helps our body to boost the metabolism process and immunity. Also, they help in reducing weight.
- 1 carrot
- fruits you like (such as berries, apples, pears, grapes, orange, etc)
- black pepper
- pinch of salt
- Chop all the fruits and carrots.
- Add them to the juicer jar.
- Add salt and pepper according to the taste.
- Spin it.
- Drink the juice with straining as it contains high fiber content.
9. Buttermilk

Curd is a source of probiotics that help to improve your digestion process. Lactic acid can improve gut health. Buttermilk helps to optimize the cleansing process of your body; it increases riboflavin consumption, which supports the elimination of toxins. If you don’t have buttermilk, make one of your own at home by adding salt and water to curd and mix them. Homemade buttermilk is ready to use.
- buttermilk
- mint leaves
- coriander leaves
- ½ carrot
- ½ teaspoon of roasted cumin seed
- salt
- Pour the buttermilk into a jar.
- Chop the mint leaves, and coriander leaves finely.
- Also, chop the thin slices of the carrot.
- Blend all the ingredients into the buttermilk.
- Add cumin seed powder and salt according to taste. And stir well.
10. Tomato, Leek, And Cucumber

Tomatoes contain lycopene, which is one of the strongest antioxidants. It helps a lot in flushing out toxins from the body. Cucumber is a proper choice for detoxifying since it has hydrating properties. Leeks are also a good source of dietary fiber that promotes healthy digestion process. It helps to rejuvenate the body from inside.
- 1 tomato
- 1 stick of leek
- 1 cucumber
- mint leaves
- Blend the chopped tomato, leek, cucumber, and mint leaves in the mixer.
- Add salt if you need to.
- Pour the juice in a glass and have it fresh.
11. Turmeric Water

A turmeric detox drink is the easiest to make. Tumeric has many health benefits that make it a remedy for all problems. Turmeric is the best choice to consider for the detoxification of the body. This wonderful spice stimulates the enzymes in the body that help to remove toxins.
- 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder
- water
- Heat the water. Don’t boil it.
- Add turmeric powder to the water.
- Stir it. Have it warm.
- Drink the turmeric water daily for good results.
Detoxification is cleansing the impurities from the blood. The body removes the toxins from the liver, kidney, intestine, lungs, lymphatic system, and skin. And by drinking these detox drink recipes can speed up the process of detoxification. These drinks are a great option for replacing the plain and boring simple water. Drinking detox water daily gets you the most of their benefits.